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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/libsigc++
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2009-10-31 02:49:08
Message id:
Log Message:
Update to (stable):
* Namespace sigc is now documented, in order to make large chunks of the
reference reappear. (Daniel Elstner)
* The shipped reference documentation has been regenerated using Doxygen
1.6.1, so that the document type is now XHTML 1.0. (Daniel Elstner)
* The shipped Devhelp file has been generated with a newer version of the
XSLT script in mm-common, so that documentation groups no longer appear
as namespace prefixes in the keyword list. (Daniel Elstner) (stable):
* Reenable the per-class hierarchy graphs in the reference documentation.
(Daniel Elstner)
* Drop the custom HTML header and footer, and use the shared doxygen.css
file from mm-common. (Daniel Elstner)
2.2.4 (stable):
* New build system based on mm-common. The mm-common module is now
required for building from the git repository, but not for builds
of release archives. (Daniel Elstner)
* The public reference documentation is now hosted on
(Frédéric Péters, Daniel Elstner)