Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/Transmission
From: Tobias Nygren
Date: 2010-02-18 19:18:27
Message id:

Log Message:
All Platforms
 * Add an option to disable the .part suffix for incomplete files
 * Add priority selector to GUI clients' add torrent windows
 * Fix 1.81 bug that broke HTTP requests to sites that gave HTTP 301 redirects
 * Fix 1.8x bug in announcing "finished downloading" and \ 
"stopping" at the same time
 * Fix 1.8x bug in announcing partial seeds
 * Try harder to make announces finish, even if the tracker responds slowly
 * Fix bug that didn't honor download speed limits of 0
 * Use fallocate64() for fast file preallocation on systems that support it
 * Magnet link improvements
 * Don't let "Disk is full" errors cause loss of configuration files
 * Faster parsing of bencoded data, such as torrent files
 * Give more helpful error messages if "Set Location" or "Add \ 
Magnet Link" fail
 * Add optional support for libappindicator
 * Minor build fixes
 * Add transmission-remote support for port testing and blocklist updating
 * Add transmission-daemon support for incomplete-dir, dht, and seedratio
 * If settings.json is corrupt, give an error telling where the problem is
 * Add option to specify where log messages should be written
Web Client
 * Add a tracker tab to the inspector
 * Fix 1.8x display error when showing magnet link information
 * Fix bug that prevented torrents from being added via web browsers
