Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/security/netpgp
From: Alistair G. Crooks
Date: 2010-03-14 02:21:03
Message id:

Log Message:
Update pkgsrc/security/netpgp to 2.99.1/20100313

Changes to 2.99.1/20100313

+ add functionality to parse basic signature subkeys
+ in doing so, add expiration of keys
+ at the same time, add revocation of keys
+ recognise the primary user id, and use it when displaying user ids
+ recognise self signed keys and subkeys
+ rework the indentation of output
+ add the --list-sigs [userid] option to netpgpkeys(1)
+ use memcmp(3) rather than strcmp(3) when checking binary user ids to
  be exported
+ add expiration display to subkey signature output
+ update libnetpgp library version major number to 3
