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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/textproc/ruby-json-pure
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2010-05-04 04:48:22
Message id:
Log Message:
Update ruby-json-pure from 1.2.0 to 1.4.2.
2010-04-26 (1.4.2)
* Applied patch from naruse Yui NARUSE <> to make \
building with
Microsoft Visual C possible again.
* Applied patch from devrandom <> in order to \
allow building of
json_pure if extensiontask is not present.
* Thanks to Dustin Schneider <>, who reported a memory
leak, which is fixed in this release.
* Applied 993f261ccb8f911d2ae57e9db48ec7acd0187283 patch from josh@github.
2010-04-25 (1.4.1)
* Fix for a bug reported by Dan DeLeo <>, caused by T_FIXNUM
being different on 32bit/64bit architectures.
2010-04-23 (1.4.0)
* Major speed improvements and building with simplified
* Extension should at least be comapatible with MRI, YARV and Rubinius.
2010-04-07 (1.2.4)
* Triger const_missing callback to make Rails' dynamic class loading work.
2010-03-11 (1.2.3)
* Added a State#[] method which returns an attribute's value in order to
increase duck type compatibility to Hash.
2010-02-27 (1.2.2)
* Made some changes to make the building of the parser/generator compatible
to Rubinius.
2009-11-25 (1.2.1)
* Added :symbolize_names option to Parser, which returns symbols instead of
strings in object names/keys.