Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/chat/konversation
From: Mark Davies
Date: 2010-10-27 08:35:59
Message id:

Log Message:
Update konversation to 1.3.1

Konversation 1.3.1 is a maintenance release that improves program behavior
and fixes defects.

Konversation 1.3 debuts a major new feature in the area of
Direct-Client-to-Client (DCC) support: An implementation of the DCC
Whiteboard extension that brings collaborative drawing - think two-player
Kolourpaint - to IRC. It also brings back the integration with KDE's SSL
certificate store the KDE 3 version enjoyed and expands support for
auto-away to the Windows and Mac OS X platforms thanks to both recent
advances in the KDE 4 platform and new code in Konversation. Interface
tweaks, new keyboard shortcuts and many bugfixes round things out.
