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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/misc/zyGrib
From: Iain Hibbert
Date: 2011-03-21 12:44:59
Message id:
Log Message:
minor update from 3.9.9 ->
2011-01-23 : zyGrib Version
* New russian translation (thanks Yaroslav/Specter).
* Bug fixed : drawing wind arrows on the grid for Meteoblue files.
* Personnal "cities" list :
o All files whose name begins with cities and located in maps / gis / \
are read.
o Format : text, encoding UTF8
o One city by line (5 data, separator ';') :
1. country: 2 chars international code ISO-3166 A2
2. name
3. population : "importance" of the city. 4 levels:
1. population >= 1000000
2. population >= 200000
3. population >= 50000
4. population < 50000
4. latitude
5. longitude
o Sample:
AD;Andorra la Vella;20430;42.5;1.5166667