Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack3
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2011-04-06 15:26:04
Message id:

Log Message:
Update ruby-actionpack3 pacakge to 3.0.6.

*Rails 3.0.6 (April 5, 2011)

* Fixed XSS vulnerability in `auto_link`.  `auto_link` no longer marks input as
  html safe.  Please make sure that calls to auto_link() are wrapped in a
  sanitize(), or a raw() depending on the type of input passed to auto_link().
  For example:

    <%= sanitize(auto_link(some_user_input)) %>

  Thanks to Torben Schulz for reporting this.  The fix can be found here:

* Fixes the output of `rake routes` to be correctly match to the
  behavior of the application, as the regular expression used to match
  the path is greedy and won't capture the format part by default
  [Prem Sichanugrist]

* Fixes an issue with number_to_human when converting values which are
  less than 1 but greater than -1 [Josh Kalderimis]

* Sensitive query string parameters (specified in
  config.filter_parameters) will now be filtered out from the request
  paths in the log file. [Prem Sichanugrist, fxn]

* URL parameters which return nil for to_param are now removed from
  the query string [Andrew White]

* Don't allow i18n to change the minor version, version now set to ~>
  0.5.0 [Santiago Pastorino]

* Make TranslationHelper#translate use the :rescue_format option in
  I18n 0.5.0 [Sven Fuchs]

* Fix regression: javascript_include_tag shouldn't raise if you
  register an expansion key with nil or [] value [Santiago Pastorino]

* Fix Action caching bug where an action that has a non-cacheable
  response always renders a nil response body. It now correctly
  renders the response body. [Cheah Chu Yeow]
