Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/cad/pcb
From: Dan McMahill
Date: 2011-05-11 13:21:36
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to pcb-20100929

Release Notes for PCB snapshot 20100929
This release represents over 240 commits and as such this summary
clearly is not complete.  See the ChangeLog file for the complete list
of changes.


- PCB can directly import (forward annotate) schematics while running.
- Many places where measurements are entered now accept units, like
  "5mm", and "cm" and "in" are allowed too.
- Free Rotate Buffer added to menu
- Polygon Hole tool.
- F12 invokes the Lock tool.
- Russian translation added.
- DBUS is enabled by default when possible.
- Command-line exporters can run action scripts too.
- GTK tool tips on elements, pins, and nets.
- Command-line actions in GUIs do not require (,,) syntax.
- PCB can import footprints both in subdirectories and the named directories.
- New GCode exporter.
- Footprint files use ".fp" as the suffix; this is automatically
  searched for if needed.
- GTK dialogs do not show at startup unless requested.
- Stackup can be specified on the command line for command-line exporting.
- Reference card updated.
- The snap-point in pads is the center.
- The 's' key toggles polygons to clear/notclear all pads and pins

Bug Fixes

- Various PNG export fixes.
- lesstif's magic toggle-layers-on-flip fixed.
- Arc bounding box math fixed.
- Fixed: sometimes, disabling silk also disabled the solder layer.
- "pcb --help" prints all options again
- Add mnemonic for "close without saving"
- Don't select silk on the back side when it's invisible.
- Various polygon rendering bugs fixed.
- PNG drill bloat export fixed.
- Attempts to change polygon clearance *on* polygons results in a hint.
- PNG doesn't segfault if not all graphic formats are supported.
- Various toporouter fixes and improvements
- HID_Mixed is supported in attribute dialogs
- Flipped rectangles in PS exports are drawn correctly.
- Optimizer removes micro-traces under pads.
- Vias, pins, and pads are now drawn under the mask instead of over.
- Windows supported better.


- Sources converted to C99
- Doc extraction gives more control over categories.
- Thermal documentation updated.
- Actions can see the context they were invoked in
