Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/py-blosxom
From: Hauke Fath
Date: 2011-07-08 11:59:19
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to Blosxom 1.5rc3.

What's new in 1.5 rc3

Pertinent to users:

1. PyBlosxom shows an error page if it crashes rather than forcing
   you to go figure out what happened by finding the web server logs.
   This should make configuring and debugging much easier.

2. Bunch of new plugins.

3. Bunch of fixes to the comments plugin, tags and pycalendar plugins.

   Tags plugin gains tags cloud functionality.

   Comments plugin gains comment_disable_after_x_days feature.

   If you're using them, update to the latest versions.

4. Bunch of fixes to the documentation.  If you see errors or things
   that are unclear, let us know.

   The documentation for the comments plugin still needs to be overhauled.

5. Bunch of other bug fixes.

6. Bunch of new plugins: magicword, pages, rst, check_nonhuman, and
