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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/mimedefang
From: Fredrik Pettai
Date: 2011-07-27 06:23:53
Message id:
Log Message:
Here are the most important changes in MIMEDefang 2.72:
* In mimedefang.c, truncate overlong responses from the multiplexor. Also \
sanitize replies so "\r" doesn't get fed to smfi_setmlreply.
* If a slave process replies with a very long reply, have the multiplexor \
consume (and discard) the excess input so the multiplexor-to-slave protocol does \
not become de-synchronized.
* When mimedefang becomes a daemon, have it wait for a "go/no-go" \
message from the child before exiting. This should eliminate race conditions \
whereby the MTA starts before the milter socket is present.
* Avoid run-time errors from Unix::Syslog on some platforms.