Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/fabric
From: Guillaume Lasmayous
Date: 2011-10-04 21:47:43
Message id:

Log Message:
Update sysutils/fabric to 1.2.2

Full changelog is:


:release:`1.2.2 <2011-09-01>`
:release:`1.1.4 <2011-09-01>`
:release:`1.0.4 <2011-09-01>`
:bug:`252` ~fabric.context_managers.settings would silently fail to set env \ 
values for keys which did not exist outside the context manager block. It now \ 
works as expected. Thanks to Will Maier for the catch and suggested solution.
:support:`393` Fixed a typo in an example code snippet in the task docs. Thanks \ 
to Hugo Garza for the catch.
:bug:`396` :option:`--shortlist` broke after the addition of \ 
:option:`--list-format <-F>` and no longer displayed the short list format \ 
correctly. This has been fixed.
:bug:`373` Re-added missing functionality preventing :ref:`host exclusion \ 
<excluding-hosts>` from working correctly.
:bug:`303` Updated terminal size detection to correctly skip over non-tty \ 
stdout, such as when running fab taskname | other_command.
:release:`1.2.1 <2011-08-21>`
:release:`1.1.3 <2011-08-21>`
:release:`1.0.3 <2011-08-21>`
:bug:`417` :ref:`abort-on-prompts` would incorrectly abort when set to True, \ 
even if both password and host were defined. This has been fixed. Thanks to \ 
Valerie Ishida for the report.
:support:`416` Updated documentation to reflect move from Redmine to Github.
:bug:`389` Fixed/improved error handling when Paramiko import fails. Thanks to \ 
Brian Luft for the catch.
