Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Variable-Magic
From: David Brownlee
Date: 2012-03-04 15:09:59
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated devel/p5-Variable-Magic to 0.48

0.48    2012-02-17 23:40 UTC
        + Add : You can now pass a reference to undef as the magic callback in
                order to install a no-op callback.
                Thanks Florian Ragwitz for the suggestion.

0.47    2011-10-27 16:55 UTC
        + Add : The new constant VMG_COMPAT_HASH_DELETE_NOUVAR_VOID evaluates
                to true when "delete $hash{key}" does not call \ 
'delete' uvar
                magic in void context.
        + Chg : The MAGIC tokens created by this module no longer use the
                mg_private member for storing a "magical" signature.
        + Fix : Triggering magic in a thread on a variable cloned from the main
                interpreter, and when the wizard already went out of scope,
                will not segfault anymore.
        + Opt : The pointer table is no longer needed to ensure thread safety.
                The size of the object code is about 8% smaller for threaded
        + Tst : Threads tests will not fail anymore if resources constraints
                prevent the system from creating all the required threads.
