Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Contextual-Return
From: Jens Rehsack
Date: 2012-05-31 11:21:26
Message id:

Log Message:
Updating package for CPAN module Contextual::Return in
devel/p5-Contextual-Return from 0.003.001nb1 to 0.004.003.

Upstream changes (in reverse order):
0.003002  Thu Jan 19 09:27:29 2012

    - Updated version number of Contextual::Return::Failure
      to placate CPAN indexer

    - Improved error messages for bare handlers in bad contexts (thanks Mathew)

    - Work around problems with Test::More and caller

0.004000  Thu Feb 16 14:30:56 2012

    - Fixed context propagation bugs in FIXED and ACTIVE modifiers

    - Added STRICT modifier to prevent fallbacks
      (i.e. impose strict typing on return values)

0.004001  Thu Feb 16 19:01:05 2012

    - Fixed annoying POD nit (thanks Salvatore)

0.004002  Fri Mar  2 06:18:38 2012

    - Fixed significant typo (Carp:carp -> Carp::carp)
      (thanks everyone who reported it)

0.004003  Wed Apr 11 07:55:49 2012

    - Doc patch (thanks Fabrizio)

    - Patched failures.t to account from bleadperl changes
      (thanks Zefram!)
