Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/archivers/xz
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2012-07-02 08:16:23
Message id:

Log Message:
Changes 5.0.4:
* liblzma:
  - Fix lzma_index_init(). It could crash if memory allocation failed.
  - Fix the possibility of an incorrect LZMA_BUF_ERROR when a BCJ
    filter is used and the application only provides exactly as
    much output space as is the uncompressed size of the file.
  - Fix a bug in doc/examples_old/xz_pipe_decompress.c. It didn't
    check if the last call to lzma_code() really returned
    LZMA_STREAM_END, which made the program think that truncated
    files are valid.
  - New example programs in doc/examples (old programs are now in
    doc/examples_old). These have more comments and more detailed
    error handling.
* Fix "xz -lvv foo.xz". It could crash on some corrupted files.
* Fix output of "xz --robot -lv" and "xz --robot -lvv" which
  incorrectly printed the filename also in the "foo (x/x)" format.
* Fix exit status of "xzdiff foo.xz bar.xz".
* Fix exit status of "xzgrep foo binary_file".
* Fix portability to EBCDIC systems.
* Fix a configure issue on AIX with the XL C compiler. See INSTALL
  for details.
* Update French, German, Italian, and Polish translations.
