Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-App-perlbrew
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2012-10-27 14:27:44
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.54

Upstream changes:
0.54: # 2012-10-24T21:21:25+0200
- Now requires perl 5.8.8
- Fix an issue with list-module command listing extra modules See GH #245
- Tweak default Configure options for pre-5.6 versions
- Fix an issue with warning messagse in 'upgrade-perl' command.

0.53: # 2012-10-14T17:41:17+0200
- New command: `info`.
- requires CPAN::Perl::Releases 0.76 for 5.14.3 info.
- Skip "." in @INC to deal with a `list-module` issue. GH #245.
- Environment variable cleanups and minor bashrc rewrite.

0.52: # 2012-10-04T21:30:40+0200
- userelocatableinc is no longer default. Meanwhile PERLBREW_CONFIGURE_FLAGS can \ 
still be used.
- Fix GH #197 again. Also make sure perlbrew-unrelated PERL5LIB values are preserved.
- Fix an issue that MANPATH contains unwanted values even after switch/use/off.

0.51: # 2012-09-29T09:17:14+0200
- Fix a start-up warning message from bashrc when perlbrew is not active
- Fix a breakage on CentOS due to the use of `manpath` command.

0.50: # 2012-09-01T11:25:41+0200
- properly remove perlbrew-related PERL5LIB entries. GH #197
- minor documentation tweak.

0.49: # 2012-08-25T22:32:22+0200
- Fix the build for perl-5.12 and 5.14 -- userelocatableinc are not working \ 

0.48: # 2012-08-24T07:07:52+0200
- The build log output "build.log" is now named after the installation \ 
name for eaiser reference.
- Fix the invokation configure command to actually contains -Duserelocatableinc
- Experimental: bash/zsh users may put this to shell init instead: eval \ 
"$(~/perl5/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew init -)"
- A few output message updates

0.47: # 2012-08-23T07:59:53+0200
- New command: download.
- userelocatableinc is enabled by default when the installing perl version is \ 
greater than or equals to 5.8.9. It should make some use cases eaiser. In \ 
particular, you can move PERLBREW_ROOT directory to another place.
- fix for bash users and zsh users

- fix: The deprecation warning when running `self-upgrde`
- fix: system MANPATH detection
- improvement: Specifying multiple perl: `exec --with perl-5.14.2,perl-5.16.0`

- New command: install-ack . This install the standalone version of ack under \ 
- New command: list-modules
- `exec` command now also iterates thourgh all the libs
- Documented the `--with` argument of exec command. See `perlbrew help exec`

- Notice: "self-install" command now alters the shebang to use system perl
- Notice: "install-patchperl" command now alters the shebang to use \ 
system perl.
- some documentation tweaks
- fix: `perlbrew use` to/from a lib has not been working properly.

- cpantester-error fixes
- csh support. Big thanks to matzsoft.
- support 'fetch' command on FreeBSD.
- Fix a bug that perlbrew failed to resolve version number when dist path \ 
contain "perl5"

- Improvement: die when running perlbrew (use|switch) with unknown installation name.
- clean 'build.log' on install. ref: RT #69168.
