Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack32
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2012-12-16 15:11:36
Message id:

Log Message:
Update ruby-actionpack32 to 3.9.2.

## Rails 3.2.9 (unreleased) ##

*   Clear url helpers when reloading routes.

    *Santiago Pastorino*

*   Revert the shorthand routes scoped with `:module` option fix
    This added a regression since it is changing the URL mapping.
    This makes the stable release backward compatible.

    *Rafael Mendonça França*

*   Revert the `assert_template` fix to not pass with ever string that matches \ 
the template name.
    This added a regression since people were relying on this buggy behavior.
    This will introduce back #3849 but this stable release will be backward \ 
    Fixes #8068.

    *Rafael Mendonça França*

*   Revert the rename of internal variable on \ 
ActionController::TemplateAssertions to prevent
    naming collisions. This added a regression related with shoulda-matchers, \ 
since it is
    expecting the [instance variable \ 
    This will introduce back #7459 but this stable release will be backward \ 
    Fixes #8068.

    *Rafael Mendonça França*

*   Accept :remote as symbolic option for `link_to` helper. *Riley Lynch*

*   Warn when the `:locals` option is passed to `assert_template` outside of a \ 
view test case
    Fix #3415

    *Yves Senn*

*   Rename internal variables on ActionController::TemplateAssertions to prevent
    naming collisions. @partials, @templates and @layouts are now prefixed with \ 
an underscore.
    Fix #7459

    *Yves Senn*

*   `resource` and `resources` don't modify the passed options hash
    Fix #7777

    *Yves Senn*

*   Precompiled assets include aliases from foo.js to foo/index.js and vice versa.

        # Precompiles phone-<digest>.css and aliases phone/index.css to \ 
        config.assets.precompile = [ 'phone.css' ]

        # Precompiles phone/index-<digest>.css and aliases phone.css to \ 
        config.assets.precompile = [ 'phone/index.css' ]

        # Both of these work with either precompile thanks to their aliases.
        <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'phone', media: 'all' %>
        <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'phone/index', media: 'all' %>

    *Jeremy Kemper*

*   `assert_template` is no more passing with what ever string that matches
    with the template name.

    Before when we have a template `/layout/hello.html.erb`, `assert_template`
    was passing with any string that matches. This behavior allowed false
    positive like:

        assert_template "layout"
        assert_template "out/hello"

    Now it only passes with:

        assert_template "layout/hello"
        assert_template "hello"

    Fixes #3849.


*   Handle `ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile` like `Rack::Test::UploadedFile`, \ 
don't call to_param on it. Since
    `Rack::Test::UploadedFile` isn't API compatible this is needed to test file \ 
uploads that rely on `tempfile`
    being available.

    *Tim Vandecasteele*

*   Respect `config.digest = false` for `asset_path`

    Previously, the `asset_path` internals only respected the `:digest`
    option, but ignored the global config setting. This meant that
    `config.digest = false` could not be used in conjunction with
    `config.compile = false` this corrects the behavior.

    *Peter Wagenet*

*   Fix #7646, the log now displays the correct status code when an exception is \ 

    *Yves Senn*

*   Fix handling of date selects when using both disabled and discard options.
    Fixes #7431.

    *Vasiliy Ermolovich*

*   Fix select_tag when option_tags is nil.
    Fixes #7404.

    *Sandeep Ravichandran*

*   `javascript_include_tag :all` will now not include `application.js` if the \ 
file does not exists. *Prem Sichanugrist*

*   Support cookie jar options (e.g., domain :all) for all session stores.
    Fixes GH#3047, GH#2483.

    *Ravil Bayramgalin*

*   Performance Improvement to send_file: Avoid having to pass an open file \ 
handle as the response body. Rack::Sendfile
    will usually intercept the response and just uses the path directly, so no \ 
reason to open the file. This performance
    improvement also resolves an issue with jRuby encodings, and is the reason \ 
for the backport, see issue #6844.

    *Jeremy Kemper & Erich Menge*
