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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/abcl
From: Aleksej Saushev
Date: 2012-12-17 22:47:31
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Update to ABCL 1.1.0
Version 1.1.0
(22 November 2012)
* A functioning (A)MOP implementation through the hard work of Rudi
Schlatte (@rudi)
* The implementation can be used across many more Quicklisp systems
through a process of extensive testing. Thanks @xach!
Nota bene: all of the following systems need patches to work as
of the 2012-10-13 Quicklisp. All patches have been accepted in
at least an initial form by the upstream maintainers.
Quite possible with local patches
Needs patches to 2012-10-13 Quicklisp. [!!?]
*** Dynamic interfaces idempotent across process -- no more reloading
*** some bugs with underlying streams to be fixed in abcl-1.2-dev
Basic XML parsing works. XPath still borked. [???]
* Java 5 bytecode Compiler
The internal Lisp-to-Java bytecode compiler has been hardened by
regression testing across Quicklisp libraries.
** Extensive interpreter/compiler bug fixes due to access to cl-test-suite \
[???] @antov
** large objects (?!?)
* The facility to construct runtime classes via JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS (@astalla)
Pretty close to full coverage of primtives for creating synthethic
java classes at runtime. Easy to extend with your needs; sensible
** Fields
*** getter/setters
** Annotations
** Stock ASDF-2.26 with conditional patches for the URL-PATHAME and
JAR-PATHNAME implementation extensions to ANSI.
Network installation of binary artifacts named by Maven POM uris.
*** checks at runtime if a given class is present in the
accessible classloaders
*** If the check for the presence of a class fails, find a
maven-3.0.4 binary locally, execute its Aether connector
to retrieve its transitive dependencies from the network.
** JSS
Java Syntax Sucks. q.v [lsw2]
Extensive bugfixing wrt. method resolution [#229]
A "captured from the wild" version of what @rich.hickey did \
before Clojure.
* [#249] PATHNAME merge semantics DWIMs on an inferred type
Extends ANSI PATHNAME in a non-conforming manner, which was probably
already the case.
* [r13695] Reimplementation of global symbol macros to avoid using
the symbol's value slot.
* [r13696] DEFMACRO now supports documentation strings as per the
ANSI specification.
* [r13700] ABCL loads under the Weblogic 10.3 application server.
* [r13768] [#193] Allow zero-length symbols
* [r13785] JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS gets fields and annotations
* [r13790] JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS getters/setters for fields
* [r13796] [r13797] N3 DOAP description for ABCL
* [r13803] Build target 'abcl-contrib.jar' packages ABCL-CONTRIB
* ANSI [#241]
** &AUX parameters fixes RESTAS
* [#221] Stack exhaustsion on funcall in non-existing package
* [#113] DEFSTRUCT concurrency
* [#216][#211] Compiler
** stack inconsistency
* [#187] Better SORT and STABLE-SORT via Jorge Tavares [???]