Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/milter-manager
From: OBATA Akio
Date: 2013-03-14 13:30:42
Message id:

Log Message:
Update milter-manager to 1.8.6.

== [release-1-8-6] 1.8.6: 2013-03-04

A bug fix release of 1.8.5.

=== milter-core

==== Improvements

  * [core][event-loop] Add an API to customize event loop on your own.

==== Fixes

  * [core][event-loop] Fix to work broken libev backend with Ruby 1.9.

=== milter manager

==== Improvements

  * Add max-pending-finished-sessions as configuration option.
    If the number of current pending finished sessions is larger than
    'max-pending-finished-sessions', the current pending finished sessions are
    freed immediately.

=== milter-client

==== Improvements

  * Add --max-pending-finished-sessions command line option.

=== Ruby milter

==== Improvements

  * Add an API to customize event loop on your own from Ruby.
  * Support manager.max_pending_finished_sessions.
  * Add API to reset when transaction is finished.
    Use this API to avoid not to share instance information for each transaction \ 

=== Document

==== Improvements

  * Add documentation about manager.max_pending_finished_sessions
  * Add API to reset transaction.

==== Fixes

  * Fix the default value of manager.maitenance_interval which is not correct.
