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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/ccrtp
From: Blue Rats
Date: 2013-04-17 02:54:17
Message id:
Log Message:
Import ccrtp-2.0.5 as net/ccrtp from pkgsrc-wip, originally packaged
by pancake ;) <>.
Welcome to GNU ccRTP, the RTP protocol stack of GNU Common C++ and the
GNU project. GNU ccRTP was created as a "generic" and high performance
RTP stack and uses queued packet lists for both sending and receiving of
realtime data. A single scheduler thread both schedules delivery of
timestamped outgoing packets, and processes incoming packets into the
receive queue. A seperate thread or process can then feed data into the
stack for delivery and process pending requests without interfering with
the stack service thread itself.