Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/textproc/p5-XML-Bare
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2013-05-02 04:30:42
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.52

Upstream changes:
0.52 ( 4-29-13 )
  - Added proper binmode setting when outputting XML to address deficiences on \ 
Win32 ( such as failing Strawberry perl due to line endings )
  - Added evil OS check in file writing code to address differences in how files \ 
must be opened to write utf8 on win32 versus linux/cygwin.
  - Added note regarding using utf8 flag instead of using encoding(utf8)
  - Altered UTF8 test to also write XML containing UTF8 to a file.

0.51 ( 4-28-13 )
  - New 'unsafe' parsing mode, giving a 30% speed increase with some downfalls
  - New 'read_more' function, allowing more data to be read in before parsing \ 
into a tree
  - Fixed some memory leaks
  - Added 'Controversy' section to documentation
  - Updated speed comparisons for feed2.xml, adding a comparison against \ 
XML::Fast as well
    as a comparison of running in 'unsafe' mode.
  - Spelling correction
  - "Modernized" file handling using my variables

0.50 ( 4-24-13 )
  - Remove debugging print statements that were left in
  - Include the new test cases in the distribution

0.49 ( 4-23-13 )
  - Fixes to find_by_perl
    Can now be accessed in an object or namespace flexibly.
    Now ignores case of keys.
    Keys with underscores can be used.
    Will work properly when passed a single node instead of an array reference \ 
of nodes.
  - Fixes to xget
    Method of deferencing has been changed to be compatible with newer versions \ 
of perl ( 5.10.2+ )
  - Fixed handling of nodes named 'value'; they will no longer crash the XS code
  - Added a new function similar to new called 'simple', that works in the same \ 
way but automatically uses the 'simple' parser
  - Altered handling of node values in simple mode, so that it stores values \ 
when mixed with nodes or atttributes under 'content' ( like XML::Simple )
    This feature was requested by users so it has been added. Note that it only \ 
does this when the value is not composed of just spaces and carriage returns.

0.48 ( 4-22-13 )
  - Revert code back to 0.45 version
    Changes lost in the process:
      Content is not stored in the 'content' key any more; it is stored as the \ 
node itself when the node contains nothing else. As God intended.
      Memory leak fixes
      Quote handling
  - Code copyright returned fully to David Helkowski; any changes by other \ 
parties have been discarded. Any code ported in from other open source projects \ 
    This has been done intentionally so as to make it possible to relicense the \ 
software commerically.
  - XS code modofied to work in a multi-threaded environment
  - Reverting Makefile.PL back to original wierd hackish fixes. They are there \ 
for specific reasons.
