Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2013-09-30 20:26:38
Message id:

Log Message:
Changes 5.5.34:
* MySQL 5.7 changed audit log file output to a new format that has better \ 
compatibility with Oracle Audit Vault. This format has been backported to MySQL \ 
5.5 and it is possible to select either the old or new format using the new \ 
audit_log_format system variable, which has permitted values of OLD and NEW \ 
(default OLD). For details about each format, see The Audit Log File.
* InnoDB; Partitioning: Following any query on the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS \ 
table, InnoDB index statistics as shown in the output of statements such as \ 
SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS were read from the last partition, \ 
instead of from the partition containing the greatest number of rows.
* InnoDB: The row_sel_sec_rec_is_for_clust_rec function would incorrectly \ 
prepare to compare a NULL column prefix in a secondary index with a non-NULL \ 
column in a clustered index.
* InnoDB: An incorrect purge would occur when rolling back an update to a \ 
delete-marked record.
* InnoDB: InnoDB would rename a user-defined foreign key constraint containing \ 
the string “_ibfk_” in its name, resulting in a duplicate constraint.
* InnoDB: Rolling back an INSERT after a failed BLOB write would result in an \ 
assertion failure. The assertion has been modified to allow NULL BLOB pointers \ 
if an error occurs during a BLOB write.
* InnoDB: A regression introduced with the fix for Bug 11762038 would cause \ 
InnoDB to raise an incorrect error message. The message stated that, \ 
“InnoDB cannot delete/update rows with cascading foreign key constraints \ 
that exceed max depth of 20”. The error message would occur when killing \ 
connections reading from InnoDB tables that did not have foreign key \ 
* InnoDB: The documentation incorrectly stated that START TRANSACTION WITH \ 
CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT provides a consistent snapshot only if the current isolation \ 
SNAPSHOT only works with REPEATABLE READ. All other isolation levels are \ 
ignored. The documentation has been revised and a warning is now generated \ 
whenever the WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT clause is ignored.
* InnoDB: The srv_master_thread background thread, which monitors server \ 
activity and performs activities such as page flushing when the server is \ 
inactive or in a shutdown state, runs on a one second delay loop. \ 
srv_master_thread would fail to check if the server is in a shutdown state \ 
before sleeping.
