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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Tree-Simple
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2013-11-24 02:45:33
Message id:
Log Message:
Update to 1.23
Upstream changes:
1.23 Sat Nov 9 10:43:00 2013
- No code changes.
- Accept spelling corrections from the Debian Perl Group, with thanx. See RT#90171.
Note: The change to lib/Tree/Simple/ had already been made.
- Add t/version.t, which uses Test::Version, to cross-check version #s.
1.22 Mon Sep 30 08:35:00 2013
- Metadata fixes in Build.PL and correct bugtracker queue in Makefile.PL. Thanx \
to dsteinbrunner (via github).
1.21 Thu Sep 26 13:08:00 2013
- Fix syntax error in Makefile.PL.
1.20 Thu Sep 26 11:16:00 2013
- Merge source from
- Close github issues.
- Add bugtracker and license to Build.PL and Makefile.PL.
1.19 Mon Sep 23 08:26:00 2013
- Maintenance now by Ron Savage.
- Rectify datestamp format in this file.
- Add Changelog.ini.
- Make and have the same version #.
- Reformat Build.PL and Makefile.PL.
- Move t/pod* into xt/author/.
- Minor doc patches.
- Add t/17_Tree_Simple_width_test.t. This code was attached to RT#40407, to \
demonstrate a bug in keeping a
running total of the width (leaf count) of a tree during node additions to leaves.
Thanx to David Cryer for the test code and patch.
- Add t/21_Tree_Simple_Visitor_test.t. This code was attached to RT#30032, to \
demonstrate a bug in including
the root in a traversal after calling $visitor -> includeTruck(1).
- RT#30032: Adopt patch from Moses Amaro. With thanx.
- RT#38607: Reject. Suppressing deep recursion warnings should not normally be \
done. Sub-class!
- RT#40407: Adopt patch from David Cryer. With thanx.
- RT#84797: Reject. Changing the return value of setUID could break any amount \
of code.