Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/p5-Data-Table
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2013-12-12 02:30:17
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 1.68

Upstream changes:
1.68 Mon Aug  6 22:22:22 PDT 2012

  Patch fromFileGetTopLines() and fromFileIsHeader(), which are used by \ 
fromFile(). Impact: minor.
  Improve performance of fromFileGuessOS()
  Improve fromFile(), fromCSV(), csv() to support using \r, \n within a CSV field.

  join() now supports {matchNULL => 1, NULLasEmpty => 1}, if one would \ 
like to treat NULL as empty string, or
  treat NULL as equal (however, not equal to empty string). Both are set to 0 by \ 
  Suggested by Kyle Horton & Wilson Dave.

  Remove inheritance from AutoLoader and Exporter.
  Thanks to Brian Wightman

  Thanks to Nicholas Andonakis for sharing his code, quite a few ideas in his \ 
package inspired the improvements below!

  Add new shortcut methods: lastRow(), lastCol(), colName($colNumericIndex)
    One can now write
      foreach my $i (0..$t->lastRow)
    instead of
      foreach my $i (0..$t->nofRow-1)

  Add iterator(), so that one can now write
    my $next = $t_product->iterator();
    while (my $row = $next->()) {
      # have access to a row as a hash reference, access row number by &$next(1);
      $t_product->setElm($next->(1), 'ProductName', 'New! \ 

  addCol() can take the default value for the new column (first argument)
  addRow() supports {addNewCol => 1}
  moveCol() can take a $newColName.

  setElm() can set a value for multiple cells, specified by ref to row array and \ 
col array
  match_string(), match_pattern(), match_pattern_hash() also produce \ 

    # match returns all matched row ids in $t_product->{MATCH} (ref to row ID \ 
    $t_product->match_pattern_hash('$_{UnitPrice} > 20');
    # create a new column, with 'No' as the default value
    $t_product->addCol('No', 'IsExpensive');
    # use $t_product->{MATCH} to set values for multiple Elements
    $t_product->setElm($t_product->{MATCH}, 'IsExpensive', 'Yes');

1.67 Wed Jul 25 11:47:23 PDT 2012
  Update Change.txt file to point out $keepRestCol defaults to 1 is only for group()
  For pivot(), $keepRestCol is still default to 0 as before.

1.66 Wed Jul 25 11:03:29 PDT 2012
  Change the default value of keepRestCol in group() to 1, instead of 0 to be \ 
compatible with older versions
  Thanks to Kyle Horton
