Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2013-12-13 16:33:22
Message id:

Log Message:
Update php55 to 5.5.7 (PHP 5.5.7).

12 Dec 2013, PHP 5.5.7

- CLI server:
  . Added some MIME types to the CLI web server (Chris Jones)
  . Implemented FR #65917 (getallheaders() is not supported by the built-in web
    server) - also implements apache_response_headers() (Andrea Faulds)

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #66094 (unregister_tick_function tries to cast a Closure to a
    string). (Laruence)

- OPCache
  . Fixed bug #66176 (Invalid constant substitution). (Dmitry)
  . Fixed bug #65915 (Inconsistent results with require return value). (Dmitry)
  . Fixed bug #65559 (Opcache: cache not cleared if changes occur while
    running). (Dmitry)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed memory corruption in openssl_x509_parse() (CVE-2013-6420).
    (Stefan Esser).

- readline
  . Fixed Bug #65714 (PHP cli forces the tty to cooked mode). (Remi)
