Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-requests
From: Blue Rats
Date: 2014-01-05 18:47:10
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to latest release, 2.1.0. Both dependents built fine with this
version. Simplify variable handling in Makefile to have fewer hardcoded
values. Specify sphinx version as per package's requirements.txt.
USE_LANGUAGES+=c. Some new PLIST additions. From HISTORY.rst:

2.1.0 (2013-12-05)

- Updated CA Bundle, of course.
- Clean up connections when we hit problems during chunked upload, rather than \ 
leaking them.
- Return connections to the pool when a chunked upload is successful, rather \ 
than leaking it.
- Match the HTTPbis recommendation for HTTP 301 redirects.
- Prevent hanging when using streaming uploads and Digest Auth when a 401 is \ 
- Values of headers set by Requests are now always the native string type.
- Fix previously broken SNI support.
- Fix accessing HTTP proxies using proxy authentication.
- Unencode HTTP Basic usernames and passwords extracted from URLs.
- Support for IP address ranges for no_proxy environment variable
- Parse headers correctly when users override the default ``Host:`` header.
- Avoid munging the URL in case of case-sensitive servers.
- Looser URL handling for non-HTTP/HTTPS urls.
- Accept unicode methods in Python 2.6 and 2.7.
- More resilient cookie handling.
- Make ``Response`` objects pickleable.
- Actually added MD5-sess to Digest Auth instead of pretending to like last time.
- Updated internal urllib3.
- Fixed @Lukasa's lack of taste.

2.0.1 (2013-10-24)

- Updated included CA Bundle with new mistrusts and automated process for the future
- Added MD5-sess to Digest Auth
- Accept per-file headers in multipart file POST messages.
- Fixed: Don't send the full URL on CONNECT messages.
- Fixed: Correctly lowercase a redirect scheme.
- Fixed: Cookies not persisted when set via functional API.
- Fixed: Translate urllib3 ProxyError into a requests ProxyError derived from \ 
- Updated internal urllib3 and chardet.

2.0.0 (2013-09-24)

**API Changes:**

- Keys in the Headers dictionary are now native strings on all Python versions,
  i.e. bytestrings on Python 2, unicode on Python 3.
- Proxy URLs now *must* have an explicit scheme. A ``MissingSchema`` exception
  will be raised if they don't.
- Timeouts now apply to read time if ``Stream=False``.
- ``RequestException`` is now a subclass of ``IOError``, not ``RuntimeError``.
- Added new method to ``PreparedRequest`` objects: ``PreparedRequest.copy()``.
- Added new method to ``Session`` objects: ``Session.update_request()``. This
  method updates a ``Request`` object with the data (e.g. cookies) stored on
  the ``Session``.
- Added new method to ``Session`` objects: ``Session.prepare_request()``. This
  method updates and prepares a ``Request`` object, and returns the
  corresponding ``PreparedRequest`` object.
- Added new method to ``HTTPAdapter`` objects: ``HTTPAdapter.proxy_headers()``.
  This should not be called directly, but improves the subclass interface.
- ``httplib.IncompleteRead`` exceptions caused by incorrect chunked encoding
  will now raise a Requests ``ChunkedEncodingError`` instead.
- Invalid percent-escape sequences now cause a Requests ``InvalidURL``
  exception to be raised.
- HTTP 208 no longer uses reason phrase ``"im_used"``. Correctly uses
- HTTP 226 reason added (``"im_used"``).


- Vastly improved proxy support, including the CONNECT verb. Special thanks to
  the many contributors who worked towards this improvement.
- Cookies are now properly managed when 401 authentication responses are
- Chunked encoding fixes.
- Support for mixed case schemes.
- Better handling of streaming downloads.
- Retrieve environment proxies from more locations.
- Minor cookies fixes.
- Improved redirect behaviour.
- Improved streaming behaviour, particularly for compressed data.
- Miscellaneous small Python 3 text encoding bugs.
- ``.netrc`` no longer overrides explicit auth.
- Cookies set by hooks are now correctly persisted on Sessions.
- Fix problem with cookies that specify port numbers in their host field.
- ``BytesIO`` can be used to perform streaming uploads.
- More generous parsing of the ``no_proxy`` environment variable.
- Non-string objects can be passed in data values alongside files.

1.2.3 (2013-05-25)

- Simple packaging fix

1.2.2 (2013-05-23)

- Simple packaging fix
