Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/fann
From: Greg Troxel
Date: 2014-01-22 02:49:21
Message id:

Log Message:
Add newline to separate decls, but really to provoke a commit.

Commit message that should have been in previous commit follows:

Version 2.2.0 is backwards compatible and adds the following new

    Added Sarprop training
    Added fann_create_train for creating an empty training data struct
    Added fann_copy for copying an ANN
    Added cascade_min_out_epochs and cascade_min_cand_epochs to
    improve cascade training
    Added extra checks when training, to ensure that data and network
    input and output sizes matches
    Added Visual Studio 2010 solution
    Added support for 64bit architecture
    Cleanup in sources
    Moved source from CVS to GIT
