Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/p5-DBD-postgresql
From: David Brownlee
Date: 2014-02-06 14:11:32
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated databases/p5-DBD-postgresql to 3.0.0

Version 3.0.0

  - Major change in UTF-8 handling. If client_encoding is set to UTF-8,
    always mark returned Perl strings as utf8. See the pg_enable_utf8 docs
    for more information.
    [Greg Sabino Mullane, David E. Wheeler, David Christensen]

  - Bump DBI requirement to 1.614

  - Bump Perl requirement to 5.8.1

  - Add new handle attribute, switch_prepared, to control when we stop
    using PQexecParams and start using PQexecPrepared. The default is 2:
    in previous versions, the effective behavior was 1 (i.e. PQexecParams
    was never used).
    [Greg Sabino Mullane]

  - Better handling of items inside of arrays, particularly bytea arrays.
    [Greg Sabino Mullane] (CPAN bug #91454)

  - Map SQL_CHAR back to bpchar, not char
    [Greg Sabino Mullane, reported by H.Merijn Brand]

  - Do not force oids to Perl ints
    [Greg Sabino Mullane] (CPAN bug #85836)

  - Return better sqlstate codes on fatal errors
    [Rainer Weikusat]

  - Better prepared statement names to avoid bug
    [Spencer Sun] (CPAN bug #88827)

  - Add pg_expression field to statistics_info output to show
    functional index information
    [Greg Sabino Mullane] (CPAN bug #76608)

  - Adjust lo_import_with_oid check for 8.3
    (CPAN bug #83145)

  - Better handling of libpq errors to return SQLSTATE 08000
    [Stephen Keller]

  - Make sure CREATE TABLE .. AS SELECT returns rows in non do() cases

  - Add support for AutoInactiveDestroy
    [David Dick] (CPAN bug #68893)

  - Fix ORDINAL_POSITION in foreign_key_info
    [Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker] (CPAN bug #88794)

  - Fix foreign_key_info with unspecified schema
    [Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker] (CPAN bug #88787)

  - Allow foreign_key_info to work when pg_expand_array is off
    [Greg Sabino Mullane and Tim Bunce] (CPAN bug #51780)

  - Remove math.h linking, as we no longer need it
    (CPAN bug #79256)

  - Spelling fixes
    (CPAN bug #78168)

  - Better wording for the AutoCommit docs
    (CPAN bug #82536)

  - Change NOTICE to DEBUG1 in t/02attribs.t test for handle attribute \ 
    implicit index creation is now quieter in Postgres.
    [Erik Rijkers]

  - Use correct SQL_BIGINT constant for int8
    [Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker]

  - Fix assertion when binding array columns on debug perls >= 5.16
    [Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker]

  - Adjust test to use 3 digit exponential values
    [Greg Sabino Mullane] (CPAN bug #59449)

  - Avoid reinstalling driver methods in threads
    [Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker] (CPAN bug #83638)

  - Make sure App::Info does not prompt for pg_config location
    [David E. Wheeler] (CPAN bug #90799)

  - Fix typo in docs for pg_placeholder_dollaronly
    [Bryan Carpenter] (CPAN bug #91400)

  - Cleanup dangling largeobjects in tests
    [Fitz Elliott] (CPAN bug #92212)

  - Fix skip test counting in t/09arrays.t
    [Greg Sabino Mullane] (CPAN bug #79544)

  - Explicitly specify en_US for spell checking
    [Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker] (CPAN bug #91804)
