Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2014-02-07 16:35:05
Message id:

Log Message:
Update php55 to 5.5.9 (PHP 5.5.9).

06 Feb 2014, PHP 5.5.9

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #66509 (copy() arginfo has changed starting from 5.4). (willfitch)

- GD:
  . Fixed bug #66356 (Heap Overflow Vulnerability in imagecrop()).
    (Laruence, Remi)

- OPCache:
  . Fixed bug #66474 (Optimizer bug in constant string to boolean conversion).
  . Fixed bug #66461 (PHP crashes if opcache.interned_strings_buffer=0).
  . Fixed bug #66298 (ext/opcache/Optimizer/zend_optimizer.c has dos-style
    ^M as lineend). (Laruence)

- PDO_pgsql:
  . Fixed bug #62479 (PDO-psql cannot connect if password contains
spaces) (willfitch, iliaa)

- Readline
  . Fixed Bug #66412 (readline_clear_history() with libedit causes segfault after
    #65714). (Remi)

- Session
  . Fixed bug #66469 (Session module is sending multiple set-cookie headers when
    session.use_strict_mode=1) (Yasuo)
  . Fixed bug #66481 (Segfaults on session_name()).
    (cmcdermottroe at engineyard dot com, Yasuo)

- Standard
  . Fixed bug #66395 (basename function doesn't remove drive letter). (Anatol)

- Sockets:
  . Fixed bug #66381 (__ss_family was changed on AIX 5.3). (Felipe)

- Zend Engine
  . Fixed bug #66009 (Failed compilation of PHP extension with C++ std
    library using VS 2012). (Anatol)
