Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/hdf5
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2014-02-14 10:09:40
Message id:

Log Message:
Changes 1.18.12:
    - Added a configuration option to change the default plugin path.
      The configure option is --with-default-plugindir=location.
      The cmake option is -DH5_DEFAULT_PLUGINDIR:PATH=location.
      HDFFV-8513.  (ADB 2013/09/04)
    - Renamed FFLAGS to FCFLAGS in configure. (ADB 2013/08/13)
    - CMake can now package a compressed examples file, the default for
      Windows binaries from HDF Group.  (ADB  - 2013/07/22)
    - h5repack: Added the ability to use plugin filters to read and write
              files. The option uses the filter number. HDFFV-8345
              (ADB - 2013/09/04).
    - h5dump: Added the option -N --any_path, which searches the file for
              paths that match the search path. HDFFV-7989 (ADB - 2013/08/12).
    - h5dump: Added the optional arg 0 to -A, which excludes attributes
              from display. HDFFV-8134 (ADB - 2013/08/01).
    - Added tutorial examples to C++/examples.  They can be installed by
      "make install-examples" and, in the installed directory, they can be
      executed by running the script file (BMR - 2013/09/28)
    - A new class, H5::H5Location, is added to represent the location concept
      in the C library.  It is a base class to H5::H5File and H5::H5Ojbect,
      whose member functions are moved into H5::H5Location.  H5::H5File can
      now inherent those functions.  As a result, an H5::H5File object can have
      an attribute. (BMR - 2013/09/27)
    - Added wrappers for H5Rget_obj_type2 to retrieve the type of the object
      that an object reference points to. (BMR - 2013/09/27)
	H5O_type_t H5Location::getRefObjType(void *ref, H5R_type_t ref_type)
    - Added wrappers for H5Aexist to check whether an attribute exists given
      a name. (BMR - 2013/09/27)
	bool H5::H5Location::attrExists(const char* name)
	bool H5::H5Location::attrExists(const H5std_string& name)
    - Added a number of overloaded functions for convenience. (BMR - 2013/09/27)
