Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/rabbit
From: OBATA Akio
Date: 2014-03-11 11:03:46
Message id:

Log Message:
Update rabbit to 2.1.2.

== 2.1.2: 2014-03-08

A bug fix release of 2.1.1.

=== Improvements

==== rabbit

  * Supported auto source reloading in information window.
    [GitHub#23] [Reported by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA]
  * Add ((%--check-syntax%)) option that checks source syntax and exits.
    [GitHub#27] [Reported by HAYASHI Kentaro]
  * Supported inline code markup "(({`...`}))" in Markdown.
    [GitHub#29] [Patch by KITAITI Makoto]
  * Supported newline markup "(({\\}))" in Markdown.
    [GitHub#29] [Patch by KITAITI Makoto]

==== rabbit-slide

   * Supported README written in Markdown.
   * Added "tag" task that tags by Git.
   * Supported auto adding "theme.rb" file to gem if the file exists.
   * Supported (({youtube_id})) parameter in config.yaml.
     You can specify YouTube video that is associated with your
     presentation. You will find a link at
     when you specify it.

==== Document

  * Updated install document for Homebrew.
    [Yutaro Sugai]
  * Updated install document on Windows.
    [Masafumi Yokoyama]

=== Fixes

==== rabbit

  * Fixed a bug that configuration dialog for graffiti mode can't be opened.
    [shocker-en:63] [Reported by Enrico Rivarola]

==== rabbit-slide

  * Fixed a bug that gem can be created without PDF.

=== Thanks

  * Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA
  * Yutaro Sugai
  * Masafumi Yokoyama
  * HAYASHI Kentaro
  * Enrico Rivarola
  * KITAITI Makoto

== 2.1.1: 2013-06-26

A bug fix release of 2.1.0.

=== Fixes

==== rabbit

  * Fixed a bug that rabbit can't start by NameError.
    [GitHub#25] [Reported by Yoshihide Chubachi]

=== Thanks

  * Yoshihide Chubachi
