Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/global
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2014-03-31 10:34:33
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 6.2.11:

Version 6.2.11 - March 12 2014

New facilities:
o global: New -S (--scope) <directory> option. This option prints only tags
  which exist under <directory>. It is similar to the -l option, but different
  from it in that you need not change directory.
o gtags: Now, the skip list allows glob file patterns (*, ?, [...], [!...], [^...]).
o gtags.conf: Added the following glob patterns to the skip list:
o gtags: Now, the -I option supports file list (-f option or gtags.files).
  Instead, idutils 4.5 or later is required.

o global: With combination of the --invert-match and --literal, it does not match
  the last line of files. Now it works.
o global: Literal search with the -i option prints an unmatched tag in a certain
  kind of case. Now it works.
o global: 'global -cI' without argument causes segmentation fault.
  Now it works.
