Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2014-03-31 12:32:13
Message id:

Log Message:
Changes 5.6.17:

Functionality Added or Changed

Incompatible Change: The AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() functions now permit \ 
control of the block encryption mode and take an optional initialization vector \ 

The new block_encryption_mode system variable controls the mode for block-based \ 
encryption algorithms. Its default value is aes-128-ecb, which signifies \ 
encryption using a key length of 128 bits and ECB mode.

An optional init_vector argument provides an initialization vector for \ 
encryption modes that require it:

A random string of bytes to use for the initialization vector can be produced by \ 
calling the new RANDOM_BYTES() function.

For more information, see Encryption and Compression Functions.

These changes make statements that use AES_ENCRYPT() or AES_DECRYPT() unsafe for \ 
statement-based replication and they cannot be stored in the query cache. \ 
Queries that use RANDOM_BYTES() are unsafe for statement-based replication and \ 
cannot be stored in the query cache.

Incompatible Change: The ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, NO_ZERO_DATE, and \ 
NO_ZERO_IN_DATE SQL modes now are deprecated and setting the sql_mode value to \ 
include any of them generates a warning. In MySQL 5.7, these modes do nothing. \ 
Instead, their effects are included in the effects of strict SQL mode \ 
(STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES). The motivation for the change in \ 
MySQL 5.7 is to reduce the number of SQL modes with an effect dependent on \ 
strict mode and make them part of strict mode itself.

To make advance preparation for an upgrade to MySQL 5.7, see SQL Mode Changes in \ 
MySQL 5.7. That discussion provides guidelines to assess whether your \ 
applications will be affected by the SQL mode changes in MySQL 5.7.

InnoDB: MySQL now supports rebuilding regular and partitioned InnoDB tables \ 
using online DDL (ALGORITHM=INPLACE) for the following operations:



ALTER TABLE ... ENGINE=INNODB (when run on an InnoDB table)

Online DDL support reduces table rebuild time and permits concurrent DML, which \ 
helps reduce user application downtime. For additional information, see Overview \ 
of Online DDL.

On Solaris, mysql_config --libs now includes -R/path/to/library so that \ 
libraries can be found at runtime.

mysql_install_db provides a more informative diagnostic message when required \ 
Perl modules are missing.

The IGNORE clause for ALTER TABLE is now deprecated and will be removed in a \ 
future version of MySQL. ALTER IGNORE TABLE causes problems for replication, \ 
prevents online ALTER TABLE for unique index creation, and causes problems with \ 
foreign keys (rows removed in the parent table).

Bugs Fixed
