Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2014-05-01 17:52:33
Message id:

Log Message:
Update php55 to 5.5.12.

01 May 2014, PHP 5.5.12
- Core:
  . Fixed bug #61019 (Out of memory on command stream_get_contents). (Mike)
  . Fixed bug #64330 (stream_socket_server() creates wrong Abstract Namespace
    UNIX sockets). (Mike)
  . Fixed bug #66182 (exit in stream filter produces segfault). (Mike)
  . Fixed bug #66736 (fpassthru broken). (Mike)
  . Fixed bug #67024 (getimagesize should recognize BMP files with negative
    height). (Gabor Buella)
  . Fixed bug #67043 (substr_compare broke by previous change) (Tjerk)

- cURL:
  . Fixed bug #66562 (curl_exec returns differently than curl_multi_getcontent).
    (Freek Lijten)

- Date:
  . Fixed bug #66721 (__wakeup of DateTime segfaults when invalid object data is
    supplied). (Boro Sitnikovski)

- Embed:
  . Fixed bug #65715 (php5embed.lib isn't provided anymore). (Anatol).

- Fileinfo:
  . Fixed bug #66987 (Memory corruption in fileinfo ext / bigendian).

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug #66482 (unknown entry 'priority' in php-fpm.conf).
  . Fixed bug #67060 (possible privilege escalation due to insecure default \ 
configuration). (CVE-2014-0185) (christian at hoffie dot info)

  . Fixed bug #66021 (Blank line inside empty array/object when
    JSON_PRETTY_PRINT is set). (Kevin Israel)

  . Fixed issue with null bytes in LDAP bindings. (Matthew Daley)

- mysqli:
  . Fixed problem in mysqli_commit()/mysqli_rollback() with second parameter
    (extra comma) and third parameters (lack of escaping). (Andrey)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fix bug #66942 (memory leak in openssl_seal()). (Chuan Ma)
  . Fix bug #66952 (memory leak in openssl_open()). (Chuan Ma)

- SimpleXML:
  . Fixed bug #66084 (simplexml_load_string() mangles empty node name)

- SQLite:
  . Fixed bug #66967 (Updated bundled libsqlite to (Anatol)

- XSL:
  . Fixed bug #53965 (<xsl:include> cannot find files with relative paths
    when loaded with "file://"). (Anatol)

- Apache2 Handler SAPI:
  . Fixed Apache log issue caused by APR's lack of support for %zu
    (APR issue
    (Jeff Trawick)
