Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/opencv
Date: 2014-07-09 21:57:36
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 2.4.9


April, 2014

    Several improvements in OpenCL optimizations (ocl::sum, ocl::countNonZero, \ 
ocl::minMax, bitwise operationss, Haar face detector, etc)

    Multiple fixes in Naitve Camera (NativeCameraView, cv::VideoCapture);
    Improved CUDA support for all CUDA-enabled SoCs.

    New VTK-based 3D visualization module viz stabilized and back-ported to 2.4 \ 
    The module provides a very convenient way to display and position clouds, \ 
meshes, cameras and trajectories, and simple widgets (cube, line, circle, etc.).
    Full demo video can be found at Itseez Youtube channel

    Numerous bugfixes in code and docs from community

    156 pull requests have been merged since 2.4.8

    55 reported bugs have been closed since 2.4.8


December, 2013

    User provided OpenCL context can be used by OpenCV ( ocl::initializeContext )
    A separate OpenCL command queue is created for every CPU thread (allows \ 
concurrent kernels execution)
    Some new OpenCL optimizations and bug-fixes

    NVidia CUDA support on CUDA capable SoCs;
    Android 4.4 support, including native camera;
    Java wrappers for GPU-detection functions from core module were added;
    New sample with CUDA on Android was added;
    OpenCV Manager and apps hanging were fixed on Samsung devices with Android \ 
4.3 (#3368, #3372, #3403, #3414, #3436).

    Static linkage support for native C++ libraries;

    139 pull requests have been merged since version:2.4.7!

    32 reported bugs have been closed since version:2.4.7


November, 2013

    Now 'ocl' module can be built without installing OpenCL SDK (Khronos headers \ 
in OpenCV tree);
    Dynamic dependency on OpenCL runtime (allows run-time branching between OCL \ 
and non-OCL implementation);
    Changing default OpenCL device via OPENCV_OPENCL_DEVICE environment variable \ 
(without app re-build);
    Refactoring/extending/bug-fixing of existing OpenCL optimizations, updated \ 
    New OpenCL optimizations of SVM, MOG/MOG2, KalmanFilter and more;

    New optimization for histograms, TV-L1 optical flow and resize;
    Updated multi gpu sample for stereo matching;
    Fixed BGR<->YUV color conversion and bitwize operations;
    Fixed several build issues;

    Android NDK-r9 (x86, x86_64) support;
    Android 4.3 support: hardware detector (Bugs #3124, #3265, #3270) and native \ 
camera (Bug #3185);
    MediaRecorder hint enabled for all Android devices with API level 14 and above;
    Fixed JavaCameraView slowdown (Bugs #3033, #3238);

    Fixed MS Certification test issues for all algorithmical modules and \ 
highgui, except OpenEXR and Media Foundation code for camera;
    Implemented XAML-based sample for video processing using OpenCV;
    Fixed issue in Media Foundation back-end for VideoCapture (#3189);

    382 pull requests have been merged since 2.4.6!

    54 reported bugs have been fixed since 2.4.6 (issue tracker query).
