Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta
From: Amitai Schlair
Date: 2014-07-15 22:39:42
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 1.4414. From the changelog:

- Added load_string, which uses heuristics to guess YAML/JSON content
- load_file will now attempt to detect YAML/JSON content if the suffix
  is not .json, .yml or .yaml
- UTF-8 decoding is done differently to avoid requiring
  a newer version of Encode (Graham Knop)
- Added prerequisite on Encode 2.11 (Paul Howarth)
- Invalid UTF-8 encoding in YAML files are now replaced with "PERLQQ"
  quoting from the Encode module and without warnings.
- Removed legacy test modifications for $ENV{PERL_CORE}
- Dropped support for Perl's before v5.8.1 to ensure proper
  UTF-8 and IO layer support
- Updated CPAN::Meta::YAML prereq to 0.011 due to deprecation
  of 'errstr' and consistent use of exceptions
