Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2014-09-30 10:14:25
Message id:

Log Message:
Update php55 to 5.5.17, approved by wiz@.

18 Sep 2014, PHP 5.5.17

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #47358 (glob returns error, should be empty array()). (Pierre)
  . Fixed bug #65463 (SIGSEGV during zend_shutdown()). (Keyur Govande)
  . Fixed bug #66036 (Crash on SIGTERM in apache process). (Keyur Govande)
  . Fixed bug #67878 (program_prefix not honoured in man pages). (Remi)

- COM:
  . Fixed bug #41577 (DOTNET is successful once per server run)
    (Aidas Kasparas)

- FPM:
  . Fixed #67606 (FPM with mod_fastcgi/apache2.4 is broken). (David Zuelke)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed bug #41631 (socket timeouts not honored in blocking SSL reads).
    (Daniel Lowrey)
  . Fixed bug #67850 (extension won't build if openssl compiled without SSLv3)
    (Daniel Lowrey)

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug #67813 (CachingIterator::__construct InvalidArgumentException
    wrong message). (tim_siebels_aurich at yahoo dot de)

- Date:
  . Fixed bug #66091 (memory leaks in DateTime constructor). (Tjerk)
  . Fixed bug #66985 (Some timezones are no longer valid in PHP 5.5.10).
  . Fixed bug #67109 (First uppercase letter breaks date string parsing).

- GD
  . Made fontFetch's path parser thread-safe. (Sara).

- MySQLi:
  . Fixed bug #67839 (mysqli does not handle 4-byte floats correctly). (Keyur)

- Zlib:
  . Fixed bug #67724 (chained zlib filters silently fail with large amounts of
    data). (Mike)
  . Fixed bug #67865 (internal corruption phar error). Mike
