Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/tesseract
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2014-10-02 18:06:02
Message id:

Log Message:
Changes 3.02.02:
* Moved ResultIterator/PageIterator to ccmain.
* Added Right-to-left/Bidi capability in the output iterators for Hebrew/Arabic.
* Added paragraph detection in layout analysis/post OCR.
* Fixed inconsistent xheight during training and over-chopping.
* Added simultaneous multi-language capability.
* Refactored top-level word recognition module.
* Added experimental equation detector.
* Improved handling of resolution from input images.
* Blamer module added for error analysis.
* Cleaned up externally used namespace by removing includes from baseapi.h.
* Removed dead memory mangagement code.
* Tidied up constraints on control parameters.
* Added support for ShapeTable in classifier and training.
* Refactored class pruner.
* Fixed training leaks and randomness.
* Major improvements to layout analysis for better image detection, diacritic \ 
detection, better textline finding, better tabstop finding.
* Improved line detection and removal.
* Added fixed pitch chopper for CJK.
* Added UNICHARSET to WERD_CHOICE to make mult-language handling easier.
* Fixed problems with internally scaled images.
* Added page and bbox to string in tr files to identify source of training data \ 
* Fixes to Hindi Shiroreka splitter.
* Added word bigram correction.
* Reduced stack memory consumption and eliminated some ugly typedefs.
* Added new uniform classifier API.
* Added new training error counter.
* Fixed endian bug in dawg reader.
* Many other fixes, including the way in which the chopper finds chops and \ 
messes with the outline while it does so.
