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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/py-mysql-connector
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2014-11-23 14:59:41
Message id:
Log Message:
Changes 2.0.2:
* If the pool_size and pool_name connection arguments were specified using the \
option file (as opposed to being passed explicitly to the connect call), the \
pooled connection was successfully created, but an exception was raised when \
closing it.
* The Django backend raised an exception when converting "0000-00-00 \
00:00:00" to None.
* Using a connection_created signal defined in django.db.backends.signals caused \
a âmaximum recursion depth reachedâ runtime error.
* The type_code in cursor.description did not compare equal to any of the type \
objects defined in mysql.connector.dbapi.
* Data corruption occurred when inserting sufficiently large data in a table \
with a TEXT type column using prepared statements, due to incorrect encoding of \
the data length while sending the prepared statement packet.
* When the character set was binary, character set conversion could occur. \
Conversion is no longer done and binary data is returned as is.