Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/elasticsearch
From: Filip Hajny
Date: 2015-02-23 13:42:12
Message id:

Log Message:
Update elasticsearch to 1.4.4

Changes in 1.4.4

- Introduce TimedPrioritizedRunnable base class to all commands
  that go into InternalClusterService.updateTasksExecutor
- Ensure that we don't pass negative timeInQueue to writeVLong
- Aggregations: Prevent negative intervals in date_histogram
- Packaging: Add antlr and asm dependencies

Changes in 1.4.3

- Disable dynamic Groovy scripting by marking Groovy as not sandboxed.

- Add standard error bounds to extended_stats
- nested agg needs to reset root doc between segments.
- Fix handling of multiple buckets being emitted for the same parent doc
- id in nested aggregation
- In reverse nested aggregation, fix handling of the same child doc id
  being processed multiple times.
- The parent filter of the nested aggregator isn't resolved correctly all
  the time
- post collection the children agg should also invoke that phase on its
  wrapped child aggs.
- Validate the aggregation order on unmapped terms in terms agg.

- Weight deltas must be absolute deltas

- don't throttle recovery indexing operations
- Fix Store.checkIntegrity() for lucene 3.x index files.
- Don't verify adler32 for lucene 3.x terms dict/terms index.
- Mapping update task back references already closed index shard
- Disable auto gen id optimization
- Verify the index state of concrete indices after alias resolution
- ignore_unavailable shouldn't ignore closed indices
- Terms filter lookup caching should cache values, not filters.

- publishing timeout to log at WARN and indicate pending nodes
- check index uuid when merging incoming cluster state into the local one

- back port fix to a potential dead lock when failing engine during

- Update GeoPolygonFilter to handle polygons crossing the dateline
- GeoPolygonFilter not properly handling dateline and pole crossing
- Removing unnecessary orientation enumerators
- Add optional left/right parameter to GeoJSON
- Feature/Fix for OGC compliant polygons failing with ambiguity
- Correct bounding box logic for GeometryCollection type
- Throw helpful exception for Polygons with holes outside of shell
- GIS envelope validation

Indices API:
- Fix to make GET Index API consistent with docs
- Fix wrong search stats groups

- ClusterInfoService should wipe local cache upon unknown exceptions
- Log when upgrade starts and stops
- promptly cleanup updateTask timeout handler
- Avoid unnecessary utf8 conversion when creating ScriptDocValues for a
  string field.

- improve logging messages added in
- Better timeout logging on stalled recovery and exception
- add logging around gateway shard allocation

- Throw StrictDynamicMappingException exception
- Include currentFieldName into ObjectMapper errors
- Explicit _timestamp default null is set to now
- Using default=null for _timestamp field creates a index loss on restart
- Reencode transformed result with same xcontent
- serialize doc values settings for _timestamp
- Mapping With a null Default Timestamp Causes NullPointerException on Merge

Nodes Stats:
- Fix open file descriptors count on Windows

- Fix concurrency issues of the _parent field data.

- Support encoded body as query string param consistently
- Fixed bug when using multi percolate api with routing

- Installation failed when directories are on different file systems
- NPE when plugins dir is inaccessible

Query cache:
- Remove query-cache serialization optimization.
- Queries are never cached when date math expressions are used (including
  exact dates)

Query DSL:
- Expose max_determinized_states in regexp query, filter

- add a timeout to local mapping change check
- flush immediately after a remote recovery finishes (unless there are
  ongoing ones)

- Add fielddata_fields to the REST spec

- Make script.groovy.sandbox.method_blacklist_patch truly append-only
- Make groovy sandbox method blacklist dynamically additive
- Add explainable script again
- Disallow method pointer expressions in Groovy scripting
- Make _score in groovy scripts comparable

- Make sure that named filters/ queries defined in a wrapped
  query/filters aren't lost
- Fix paging on strings sorted in ascending order.
- Function score and optional weight : avg score is wrong

- Reset TieredMP settings only if the value actually changed
- cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled accepts wrong values

Snapshot status api:
- make sure headers are handed over to inner nodes request

- Relax restrictions on filesystem size reporting in DiskUsage

Tribe node:
- remove closed indices from cluster state

- Change wait_for_completion to default to true
- Fix version check in bytes to upgrade that spans major versions

- makes elasticsearch.bat more friendly to automated processes
