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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2015-03-13 18:04:50
Message id:
Log Message:
Update Ruby Padrino related pacakges to 0.12.5.
0.12.5 (February 22nd 2015)
* FIX #1794 inheritance of global prereqs (@ujifgc)
* FIX #1798 handling non-array `with` statement for params (@ujifgc)
* FIX Russian translation for password (@harrykiselev)
* FIX Prevent Padrino from overriding cache settings (@dariocravero)
* FIX sequence of execution for configuration methods in application
* FIX translations for admin for cs (@ortiga)
* FIX exception raised when running the controller generator (@namusyaka)
* FIX #1875 lock down rack to < 1.6.0 because of sinatra conflict (@ujifgc)