Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2015-03-28 05:16:25
Message id:

Log Message:
Update contao32 package to 3.2.20, a leaf package.

Version 3.2.20 (2015-03-26)

### Fixed
Correctly convert date strings depending on their rgxp format (see #7721).

### Fixed
Update news and calendar feeds from the content view (see #7679).

### Fixed
Do not generally encode stand-alone ampersands (see #7684).

### Fixed
Restore some globals when catching the unused argument exception (see #7659).

### Fixed
Correctly set the CSS classes in the jQuery accordion and do not try to mess
with its ARIA handling (see #7622).

### Fixed
Handle language fragments without trailing slash when redirecting (see #7666).

### Fixed
Trigger the `load_callback` upon saving in "override all" mode (see #7670).

### Fixed
Ensure a unique language file array in the `Automator` class (see #7687).
