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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/p5-Dancer2
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2015-04-28 15:12:38
Message id:
Log Message:
Update to 0.160000
Upstream changes:
0.160000 2015-04-27 00:12:55+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
* GH #868: Fix incorrect access name in $error->throw. (cdmalon)
* GH #879, #883: Fix version numbering in packaging and tests.
(Russell Jenkins)
* File serving (send_file) won't call serializer. (Russell Jenkins)
* GH #892, #510: Workaround for multiple plugins with hooks.
(Russell Jenkins, Alberto Simç«es)
* GH #558: Remove "prefix" inconsistency with possibly missing \
forward slash. (Sawyer X)
* GH #816, #874 Document session engine changes in migration documentation.
(Chenchen Zhao)
* GH #866, #870: Clarify that you cannot forward to a static file, why,
and two different ways of accomplishing it without forward.
(Sakshee Vijayvargia)
* GH #878: Rework example for optional named matching due to operator
precedence. (Andrew Solomon)
* GH #844: Document Simple session backend is the default. (Sawyer X)
* GH #869: Streaming file serving (send_file). (Russell Jenkins)
* GH #793: "prefix" now supports the path definition spec. (Sawyer X)
* GH #817, #845: Route spec under a prefix doesn't need to start with
a slash (but must without a prefix).
(Sawyer X, Russell Jenkins)
* GH #871: Use instead of eval with Dancer2::Serializer::Dumper.
(David Zurborg)
* GH #880: Reduce and cleanup different logging calls in order to handle
the stack frames traceback for logging classes. (Russell Jenkins)
* GH #857, #875: When failing to render in Template::Toolkit, make the
error reflect it's a TT error, not an internal one.