Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/typo3_62
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2015-07-04 11:58:30
Message id:

Log Message:
Update typo3_62 to 6.2.14 (TYPO3 6.2.14).

2015-07-01  e7376af                  [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 6.2.14 (TYPO3 \ 
Release Team)
2015-07-01  0f3fb37  #59231          [SECURITY] Add hook to implement login \ 
protection methods (Nicole Cordes)
2015-07-01  2973b57  #67538          [SECURITY] Disallow access to fallback \ 
storage '0' (Nicole Cordes)
2015-07-01  8546772  #67458          [SECURITY] XSS in 3rd party library \ 
Flowplayer (Wouter Wolters)
2015-07-01  9be2f6b  #34107          [SECURITY] Encode link text properly in \ 
typolink (Nicole Cordes)
2015-07-01  7695d91  #59211          [SECURITY] XSS in Filelist (Markus Bucher)
2015-07-01  4f6e84b  #59258          [SECURITY] Regenerate session id upon login \ 
if needed (Helmut Hummel)
2015-07-01  bff9fa5  #56644          [SECURITY] Prevent edit of file metadata of \ 
files with no access (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2015-07-01  fac6e13  #67799,#67775   [TASK] Travis: container based and no \ 
composer self-update (Christian Kuhn)
2015-07-01  ca0df84  #67835          [BUGFIX] Use single quotes in query for \ 
values in EXT:workspaces (Andreas Fernandez)
2015-07-01  e742451  #67867          [BUGFIX] Duplicate XLIFF identifiers \ 
(Xavier Perseguers)
2015-07-01  af872e2  #65205          [BUGFIX] Load language file for error \ 
messages (Nicole Cordes)
2015-07-01  1f19bb5  #66895          [BUGFIX] Correction of Filelink of FAL in \ 
linkvalidator (Pierre Boivin)
2015-07-01  603edc3  #67837          [BUGFIX] 1st level cache for \ 
``QueryResult::count()`` (Mathias Brodala)
2015-06-30  a5bec24  #16840          [BUGFIX] hmenu.special = list must evaluate \ 
showAccessRestrictedPages (Gilles FOUET)
2015-06-30  f151333  #67834          [BUGFIX] Fix SQL error in \ 
IndexSearchRepository (Tim Schreiner)
2015-06-29  d9d1754  #67779          [TASK] Travis: Add github oauth token (Anja \ 
2015-06-29  abbfcac                  [FOLLOWUP][BUGFIX] Only count items in \ 
ForViewHelper when ``iteration`` argument is set (Anja Leichsenring)
2015-06-29  3db88fe  #67801          [BUGFIX] Only count items in ForViewHelper \ 
when ``iteration`` argument is set (Mathias Brodala)
2015-06-26  e1198d9  #67770          [BUGFIX] Fix wrong variable spelling in \ 
RteHtmlParser (Markus Klein)
2015-06-26  0f4157b  #50231          [BUGFIX] Increase lifetime of \ 
cache_rootline (Christian Kuhn)
2015-06-25  53d22b5  #67238          [BUGFIX] Avoid race conditions in \ 
typo3temp/Cache (Bernhard Kraft)
2015-06-25  ed1948d  #67735          [BUGFIX] Make ext_update working (Markus Klein)
2015-06-25  583eb67  #67703          [BUGFIX] Cleanup AbstractExceptionHandler \ 
and fix variable access (Mathias Schreiber)
2015-06-23  9d8c63b  #67697          [TASK] Bump class alias loader version \ 
(Helmut Hummel)
2015-06-23  0edaed8  #67696          [TASK] Bump composer installer version \ 
(Helmut Hummel)
2015-06-23  25aa461  #67466          [TASK] Improve "Overwrite files" \ 
message (Alina Fleser)
2015-06-22  8d2fc92  #67620          [BUGFIX] Illegal string offset in \ 
DataPreprocessor (Wouter Wolters)
2015-06-22  2f9eca0  #24858          [BUGFIX] "fixed_lgd_cs" may crash \ 
in eID environment (Benjamin Mack)
2015-06-22  396595f  #67563          [BUGFIX] Render correct menu item for \ 
broken shortcut (Andreas Wolf)
2015-06-21  0d0b502  #23270          [BUGFIX] Correctly handle forceTypeValue = \ 
0 (Benjamin Mack)
2015-06-20  75114d6  #22774          [BUGFIX] Sorting ignored in "Template \ 
Overview" (Reinhard Führicht)
2015-06-19  ec1d0cb  #67413          [BUGFIX] Don't force lowercase on SQL SET() \ 
values (Stephan Großberndt)
2015-06-18  af4c2a0  #66352          [BUGFIX] Properly resolve link format to \ 
page type (Daniel Schmidt)
2015-06-18  e903c84  #67432          [BUGFIX] Check if file exists before \ 
deletion (Christoph Lehmann)
2015-06-18  88f3653  #67543          [BUGFIX] Fix check for import / export \ 
folder (Alexander Stehlik)
2015-06-18  9e228bc  #67599          [BUGFIX] Use single quotes for password \ 
check (Andreas Fernandez)
2015-06-18  28bdc45  #65563          [BUGFIX] File metadata can't be edited \ 
inline (Benjamin Mack)
2015-06-18  ee8c8b9  #67586          [TASK] Add basic unit tests for \ 
ContentObjectRenderer::typoLink (Nicole Cordes)
2015-06-17  0b7dee6  #56296          [BUGFIX] Properly escape option value for \ 
groups (Wouter Wolters)
2015-06-17  77ac8f2  #64654          [BUGFIX] Fix SQL error on recursive \ 
TypoScript template inclusion (Andreas Fernandez)
2015-06-17  856ca19  #60261          [BUGFIX] Add "tx_felogin" folder \ 
in "uploads" folder during install (Jonathan IROULIN)
2015-06-16  d4ee83c  #53034          [BUGFIX] Always use MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM if \ 
using mcrypt (Helmut Hummel)
2015-06-15  4eff898  #67463          [BUGFIX] Scheduler now throws \ 
OutOfBoundsException on SQL query error (Mathias Schreiber)
2015-06-15  c90515e  #64429          [TASK] Remove version number from generator \ 
tag (Wouter Wolters)
2015-06-11  af1b31b  #67408          [TASK] Nail down php 5.6 instantiation \ 
issues in tests (Christian Kuhn)
2015-06-10  0d91bf6  #67383          [BUGFIX] Check $http_response_headers in \ 
GeneralUtility::getUrl() (Andreas Fernandez)
