Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/libgdata
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2015-07-11 18:42:45
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.16.1:

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.16.0 to libgdata 0.16.1

Major changes:
 • Add a --disable-tests configure option to build without uhttpmock
 • Remove downstream fix for ISO 8601 dates which was breaking Contacts
 • Various fixes for the Google Tasks service

Bugs fixed:
 • Bug 739395 — Add an option to build without uhttpmock
 • Bug 737799 — Error while updating google address book

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.15.2 to libgdata 0.16.0

Major changes:
 • Update date parsing to handle recent changes in Google’s servers
 • Support ACLs with keys (e.g. for link-only sharing of documents)
 • Add gzip encoding support for network packet compression
 • Support for libsoup ≥ 2.47.3 (but the dependency has not been bumped)
 • Basic test suite for the Google Tasks service
 • Fix mutex warnings with new GLib versions

API changes:
 • Add GDataAccessRule:key
 • Add gdata_access_rule_get_key()
 • Deprecate the ‘q’ parameter of gdata_tasks_query_new()

Bugs fixed:
 • Bug 732809 — evolution-3.12.3: cannot edit google contact due to invalid
   format of timestamp
 • Bug 734863 — Google contacts without email address block \ 
 • Bug 690628 — <gAcl:withKey/> element Not Handled by libgdata
 • Bug 703192 — The global log handler interferes with other application
 • Bug 666623 — Add gzip encoding support

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.15.1 to libgdata 0.15.2

Major changes:
 • Support PicasaWeb in the GOA authoriser (thanks to Saurav Agarwalla)
 • Fix a data corruption bug in the downloads/uploads code

Bugs fixed:
 • Bug 731269 — Wrong scope information in authorization domain
 • Bug 731949 — Memory leak from gdata_parser_int64_to_iso8601()
 • Bug 731946 — Removing a task result in error, but succeeds
 • Bug 732890 — Refresh authoriser on receiving SOUP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.15.0 to libgdata 0.15.1

Major changes:
 • Add a Freebase service and demo (thanks to Carlos Garnacho)
 • Various minor fixes to make libgdata compile without Coverity errors

API changes:
 • Add GDataFreebase*

Bugs fixed:
 • Bug 707477 — Fill in GDataCategory::label for GDataDocumentsDocument
 • Bug 725827 — Define GDATA_LINK_PARENT
 • Bug 726486 — Add support for the Freebase service

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.14.0 to libgdata 0.15.0

Major changes:
 • Add JSON support and a Google Tasks service (thanks to Pēteris \ 
  - This adds a dependency on json-glib ≥ 0.15 and breaks ABI (but not API)
 • Add support for GProxyResolver proxies (thanks to Matthew Barnes)
 • Fix build with recent gnome-common versions
 • Fix build and installed header files for C++
 • Remove deprecated function calls
 • Fix compilation with -fstrict-aliasing
 • Port local tests to use libuhttpmock (which is a new dependency)

API changes:
 • Add gdata_parsable_new_from_json()
 • Add gdata_parsable_get_json()
 • Add GDataParsable->get_content_type
 • Add GDataService:proxy-resolver, gdata_service_get_proxy_resolver(),
 • Add GDataClientLoginAuthorizer:proxy-resolver,
 • Add GDataOAuth1Authorizer:proxy-resolver,
 • Add Google Tasks service: GDataTasksService, GDataTasksQuery,
   GDataTasksTasklist, GDataTasksTask

Bugs fixed:
 • Bug 712565 — Fix compilation's warnings
 • Bug 719647 — gdata-goa-authorizer.h broken for C++

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.13.3 to libgdata 0.13.4

Major changes:
 • Fixes to request cancellation and progress notification
 • Fix tests to be more reliable in the face of distributed system
 • Add support for running tests offline using stored HTTP request traces

API changes:

Bugs fixed:
 • Bug 627895 — Pretty-print XML in test output
 • Bug 703192 — The global log handler interferes with other application
 • Bug 705266 — make check fails

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.13.2 to libgdata 0.13.3

Major changes:
 • Fix dependencies in pkg-config file
 • Add OAuth 2.0 support to the GOA authoriser
 • Fix some licencing inconsistencies (libgdata is entirely licenced under
 • Add support for PDF documents in Google Documents
 • Add in-tree Vala bindings (they were previously in Vala’s tree)

Bugs fixed:
 • Bug 685464 — [PATCH] Package config file depends on too much
 • Bug 685289 — GOA now uses OAuth 2.0 for Calendar, Contacts and Documents
 • Bug 690281 — do not add unused gnome dependencies to libgdata.pc when
   configured with --disable-gnome
 • Bug 690225 — [patch] Make GOA optional
 • Bug 690656 — unhandled XML warnings from totem youtube plugin
 • Bug 693855 — Port introspection fixes from Vala bindings
 • Bug 693958 — Add PDF support
 • Bug 693865 — Add Vala bindings
 • Bug 694415 — Don't require introspection.m4 to be installed system-wide

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.13.1 to libgdata 0.13.2

Major changes:
 • Expand the documentation and add more examples
 • Explicitly check for libxml2 in configure
 • Port code coverage support to use gnome-common

Bugs fixed:
 • Bug 683209 — Port to gnome-common code coverage macros

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.13.0 to libgdata 0.13.1

Major changes:
 • Add support for Google Drawings
 • Fix some of the test suite
 • Add support for copying Google documents
 • Moved GOA authoriser from EDS/GNOME Documents into libgdata (adding a \ 
GOA dependency)
 • Remove libgnome-keyring dependency in favour of libgcr-base

API changes:
 • Added GDataDocumentsDrawing
 • Added gdata_documents_service_copy_document(), \ 
gdata_documents_service_copy_document_async(), \ 
 • Added GDataGoaAuthorizer
 • Added gdata_documents_document_get_download_uri()

Bugs fixed:
 • Bug 633548 — Add Google Drawings support
 • Bug 679072 — Tests for all Google services fail
 • Bug 607270 — Support copying documents
 • Bug 656976 — Merge eds and GNOME Documents GOA authorisers
 • Bug 679867 — Use libgcr-base instead of libgnome-keyring for secure \ 
 • Bug 656970 — Add thumbnail support

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.12.0 to libgdata 0.13.0

Major changes:
 • Bump GLib dependency to 2.31.0 in order to use its new threading primitives
 • Add basic support for resumable uploads to GDataUploadStream (bug #607272)
 • Update support for Google Documents to v3 of the API
 • Add support for arbitrary file uploads to Google Documents (using \ 
   and document conversion on upload (using GDataDocumentsUploadQuery)

API changes:
 • Added gdata_upload_stream_new_resumable()
 • Added GDataUploadStream:content-length, \ 
 • Added gdata_documents_service_upload_document_resumable()
 • Added gdata_documents_service_update_document_resumable()
 • Added GDataDocumentsUploadQuery
 • Made GDataDocumentsDocument instantiable (this isn’t a real API \ 
break, though)
 • GDataDocumentsEntry:quota-used, gdata_documents_entry_get_quota_used()

Bugs fixed:
 • Bug 593537 — Upgrade Documents service to version 3.0
 • Bug 607616 — Permit the uploading of documents of any type
 • Bug 656971 — Deprecate GDataDocumentsDocument subclasses
 • Bug 588714 — <gd:quotaBytesUsed> handling in GDataDocumentsEntry

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.11.0 to libgdata 0.11.1

Major changes:
* Bump libsoup dependency to 2.37.91 in order to ensure it checks the validity \ 
of TLS certificates before accepting them
  (Note that this was implemented in 0.10.2 using a --with-ca-certs configure \ 
argument. This argument isn't necessary with 0.11.1, since the newer
   libsoup version which 0.11.1 requires already knows where the system CA cert \ 
file is.)

Bugs fixed:
* Bug 667577 — fix introspection for srcdir != builddir builds
* Bug 668365 — libgdata 0.10.x link error because of exported symbols that \ 
don't exist
* Bug 671535 — Security issue in libgdata

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.10.0 to libgdata 0.11.0

Major changes:
* Added version checking macros (thanks to Holger Berndt)
* Ported scrapbook demo to GtkGrid; this sets our GTK+ dependency to 2.91.2
* Added a LIBGDATA_DISABLE_DEPRECATED macro for disabling deprecated API in headers
* Sensitive details (passwords, auth. tokens, etc.) are now redacted from logs \ 
unless LIBGDATA_DEBUG=4 is set (which is a new logging level)
* Sensitive details are also now stored in non-pageable memory as much as \ 
possible to reduce the risk of them being leaked
  NOTE: This has not been formally certified or reviewed, and is a precaution \ 
rather than a guarantee of security
  This adds a dependency on libgnome-keyring when libgdata is configured with \ 
--enable-gnome (and is disabled otherwise)
* Use GHmac instead of liboauth's HMAC; this bumps our GLib dependency to 2.30.0
* Use the new GLib threading API iff compiled with GLib ≥ 2.31.0 (this \ 
doesn't bump the hard dependency, though)

API changes:
* Added GDataDocumentsEntry:resource-id, gdata_documents_entry_get_resource_id()
* Deprecated GDataDocumentsEntry:document-id, gdata_documents_entry_get_document_id()
* Added GDataYouTubeQuery:license, gdata_youtube_query_get_license(), \ 
* Added GDataContactsContact:file-as, gdata_contacts_contact_get_file_as(), \ 

Bugs fixed:
* Bug 659016 — @rel not mandatory in website references
* Bug 660038 — Add preprocessor macro for version checking
* Bug 656972 — Tidy up document IDs
* Bug 658865 — Add support for the license query parameter
* Bug 660174 — Deprecate SWF export of presentations
* Bug 659148 — Add search-term query example to documentation
* Bug 656973 — Add an example of starring a document
* Bug 656783 — Review security of memory storing authentication details
* Bug 662290 — Can't update contact that has no full name

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.9.1 to libgdata 0.10.0

Major changes:
* Added support for comments to YouTube and PicasaWeb (thanks to Richard Schwarting)
* Added a “scrapbook” demo application (thanks to Joe Cortes)
* Added lots of cancellation tests

API changes:
* Added GDataCommentable
* Added GDataComment, GDataYouTubeComment, GDataPicasaWebComment
* Added gdata_entry_remove_link()
* Added gdata_youtube_video_get_media_rating(), \ 

Bugs fixed:
* Bug 618587 — Implement GDataGDFeedLink
* Bug 598752 — Support comments
* Bug 647882 — Support rating schemes
* Bug 628069 — Add some demo applications
* Bug 656529 — undefined references trying to compile/build libgdata
* Bug 633364 — Add cancellation tests

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.9.0 to libgdata 0.9.1

Major changes:
* Added GDestroyNotify parameters to query-type methods so that they're properly \ 
introspectable, breaking API (see below)
* Fixed seeking in GDataDownloadStream
* Made the tests individually idempotent, so the test suites should be less of a \ 
tangled mess now
* Fixed uploading to non-default PicasaWeb albums
* Fixed GDataAuthorizer to re-process requests after refreshing, involving a \ 
slight change to the semantics of GDataAuthorizer (see bgo#653535)
* Ensure that Google Contacts uses HTTPS for everything
* Fixed the IDs used for Google Documents so that deleting documents now \ 
consistently works, even when they're in folders

API changes:
* Changed the following methods, adding GDestroyNotify parameters for their \ 
progress user data parameters:
  - gdata_access_handler_get_rules_async()
  - gdata_service_query_async()
  - gdata_calendar_service_query_all_calendars_async()
  - gdata_calendar_service_query_own_calendars_async()
  - gdata_calendar_service_query_events_async()
  - gdata_contacts_service_query_contacts_async()
  - gdata_contacts_service_query_groups_async()
  - gdata_documents_service_query_documents_async()
  - gdata_picasaweb_service_query_all_albums_async()
  - gdata_picasaweb_service_query_files_async()
  - gdata_youtube_service_query_standard_feed_async()
  - gdata_youtube_service_query_videos_async()
  - gdata_youtube_service_query_related_async()
* Added GDataCalendarQuery:max-attendees, \ 
gdata_calendar_query_get_max_attendees(), \ 
* Added GDataCalendarQuery:show-deleted, gdata_calendar_query_show_deleted(), \ 
* Added gdata_picasaweb_service_get_user_async(), \ 

Bugs fixed:
* Bug 649728 — Add introspection annotations for documents_service_query(_async)
* Bug 639405 — Add max-attendees query parameter
* Bug 637664 — Fix GSeekable interface implementation in GDataDownloadStream
* Bug 633359 — Make tests individually idempotent
* Bug 653535 — Let GDataAuthorizer re-process request after refreshing
* Bug 653530 — Bogus run-time warnings
* Bug 653224 — Add gdata_picasaweb_service_get_user_async()

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.8.0 to libgdata 0.9.0

Major changes:
* Switched to even–odd/stable–unstable versioning (so 0.9.0 is an \ 
*unstable* release)
* Use HTTPS for all requests
* Some minor parsing fixes
* Fixed some nasty threading/cancellation problems
* Removed the old authentication API in favour of a more extensible, flexible \ 
one based on a GDataAuthorizer interface:
  - ClientLogin is now handled by GDataClientLoginAuthorizer
  - OAuth 1.0 support has been added with GDataOAuth1Authorizer
* Added a dependency on liboauth ≥ 0.9.4
* Introspection annotation improvements by Philip Chimento \ 
* Removed some outdated contact photo API

API changes:
* Rename GDataAuthenticationError to GDataClientLoginAuthorizerError
* Rename GDATA_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR and gdata_authentication_error_quark() similarly.
* Remove gdata_service_authenticate() in favour of using \ 
GDataClientLoginAuthorizer with GDataService::authorizer:
  - Remove gdata_service_authenticate(), gdata_service_authenticate_async() and \ 
  - Replace gdata_service_is_authenticated() by gdata_service_is_authorized() \ 
with much the same functionality.
  - Add GDataService::authorizer, gdata_service_get_authorizer(), \ 
gdata_service_set_authorizer() and gdata_service_get_authorization_domains().
  - Remove gdata_service_get_client_id() in favour of \ 
  - Remove gdata_service_get_username() in favour of \ 
  - Remove gdata_service_get_password() in favour of \ 
  - Remove GDataServiceClass->service_name in favour of \ 
  - Remove GDataServiceClass->authentication_uri and \ 
GDataServiceClass->parse_authentication_response in favour of different \ 
  - Add GDataAuthorizer parameters to and remove client_id parameters from: \ 
gdata_calendar_service_new(), gdata_contacts_service_new(),
    gdata_documents_service_new(), gdata_picasaweb_service_new() and \ 
* Add GDataAuthorizationDomain.
  - Add GDataServiceClass->get_authorization_domains and \ 
  - Add auth. domain getters to various GDataService subclasses: \ 
    gdata_contacts_service_get_primary_authorization_domain(), \ 
    gdata_picasaweb_service_get_primary_authorization_domain(), \ 
gdata_documents_service_get_primary_authorization_domain() and
  - Add auth. domain properties to various standalone request objects: \ 
GDataDownloadStream::authorization-domain with
    gdata_download_stream_get_authorization_domain(), \ 
GDataUploadStream::authorization-domain with \ 
gdata_upload_stream_get_authorization_domain() and
    GDataBatchOperation::authorization-domain with \ 
  - Add GDataAccessHandlerIface->get_authorization_domain. This doesn't have \ 
to be implemented by existing GDataAccessHandlers, but it's
    highly recommended.
  - Add a GDataAuthorizationDomain parameter to \ 
GDataServiceClass->append_query_headers, gdata_service_query(), \ 
    gdata_service_query_single_entry(), \ 
gdata_service_query_single_entry_async(), gdata_service_insert_entry(), \ 
    gdata_service_update_entry(), gdata_service_update_entry_async(), \ 
gdata_service_delete_entry(), gdata_service_delete_entry_async(),
    gdata_batchable_create_operation(), gdata_download_stream_new() and \ 
* Add GDataAuthorizer as described above, implemented by GDataClientLoginAuthorizer.
* Add GDataOAuth1Authorizer and all its properties and methods.
* Remove gdata_contacts_contact_has_photo() and GDataContactsContact:has-photo \ 
(use gdata_contacts_contact_get_photo_etag() instead).

Bugs fixed:
* Bug 642983 — libgdata-0.8.0: test fail with --enable-gtk-doc
* Bug 644940 — Use HTTPS only
* Bug 644946 — Support two-factor authentication
* Bug 639610 — Allow access to a contact's photo ETag
* Bug 648058 — Doesn't allow empty names for user defined fields
* Bug 650835 — [abrt] evolution-data-server-3.0.1-1.fc15: Process \ 
/usr/libexec/e-addressbook-factory was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT)

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.7.0 to libgdata 0.8.0

Major changes:
* Added async counterparts to all remaining blocking methods
* Added various cancellation tests to the test suite
* Many fixes and improvements for cancellation of various operations
* Fixed many race conditions in authentication and cancellation of operations
* Removed the separate youtube-user property for YouTube authentication
* Fixed attribute escaping across all of libgdata
* Removed some deprecated PicasaWeb properties (file clients and positions)
* Switched to stream-based downloading for all download operations
* Tidied up (i.e. broke) the Documents service API a lot
* Tidied up a few test cases and made them idempotent
* Fixed several minor and major memory leaks
* Ensured that batch operations' callbacks are always called, even if the entire \ 
batch operation errors out
* Bumped our gdk-pixbuf dependency to 2.14
* Fixed all the XML comparison tests in light of an invalid assumption we made \ 
about hash table ordering being broken
* Added GeoRSS support to YouTube videos
* Overhauled download and upload streams, fixing many race conditions and \ 
deadlocks and adding some test cases
* Added support for flushing GDataUploadStream instances
* Added many code examples to the documentation and expanded a few other bits of \ 
the documentation

API changes:
* Added gdata_picasaweb_service_insert_album_async()
* Added gdata_picasaweb_service_query_files_async()
* Removed GDataYouTubeService:youtube-user, gdata_youtube_service_get_youtube_user()
* Removed GDataPicasaWebFile:client, gdata_picasaweb_file_get_client(), \ 
* Removed GDataPicasaWebFile:position, gdata_picasaweb_file_get_position(), \ 
* Changed gdata_documents_document_download() to be stream-based
* Changed gdata_documents_service_upload_document(), \ 
gdata_documents_service_update_document() to be stream-based
* Added gdata_documents_service_finish_upload()
* Renamed gdata_documents_service_move_document_to_folder() to \ 
* Renamed gdata_documents_service_remove_document_from_folder() to \ 
* Added gdata_documents_service_add_entry_to_folder_async(), \ 
* Added gdata_documents_service_from_entry_from_folder_async(), \ 
* Changed GDataDownloadStream::content-length, GDataDownloadStream::content-type \ 
to be emitted in the download thread rather than the main thread
* Changed gdata_picasaweb_service_upload_file() to be stream-based
* Removed gdata_picasaweb_service_upload_file_async(), \ 
* Added gdata_picasaweb_service_finish_file_upload()
* Changed gdata_media_content_download() to be stream-based
* Changed gdata_media_thumbnail_download() to be stream-based
* Changed gdata_youtube_service_upload_video() to be stream-based
* Added gdata_youtube_service_finish_video_upload()
* Added gdata_calendar_service_query_events_async()
* Added gdata_calendar_service_insert_event_async()
* Changed gdata_contacts_contact_get_photo(), gdata_contacts_contact_set_photo() \ 
to use guint8 instead of gchar for image data
* Added gdata_contacts_contact_get_photo_async(), \ 
* Changed gdata_contacts_contact_set_photo() to require a content type to be \ 
passed in
* Added gdata_contacts_contact_set_photo_async(), \ 
* Added GDataYouTubeVideo:latitude, GDataYouTubeVideo:longitude, \ 
gdata_youtube_video_get_coordinates(), gdata_youtube_video_set_coordinates()
* Changed gdata_upload_stream_new() to take a GCancellable
* Added GDataUploadStream:cancellable, gdata_upload_stream_get_cancellable()
* Changed gdata_download_stream_new() to take a GCancellable
* Added GDataDownloadStream:cancellable, gdata_download_stream_get_cancellable()

Bugs fixed:
* Bug 607620 — Cancelled uploads appear partially complete in PicasaWeb
* Bug 635959 — Proper cancellation support for GDataUploadStream
* Bug 635736 — Asynchronous authentication tests broken
* Bug 634033 — Use standard login URI for YouTube
* Bug 635335 — GIR missing exported packages information
* Bug 631033 — Fix escaping and add tests
* Bug 633363 — Add missing *_async() methods
* Bug 594814 — Handle GeoRSS for YouTube videos
* Bug 637036 — Overhaul cancellation support
* Bug 579885 — Add code examples to documentation

Overview of changes from libgdata 0.6.0 to libgdata 0.7.0

Major changes:
* Improved and updated introspection support and annotations for \ 
gobject-introspection >= 0.9.7 (which we now depend on)
* Added more code examples to documentation
* Added support for service localisation using gdata_service_set_locale()
* Added support for listing video categories from YouTube
* Tidied up object comparison using a new GDataComparable interface instead of \ 
lots of *_compare() methods
* Added batch operation support and implemented it for the Contacts, YouTube, \ 
Calendar and Documents services
* Fixed ID projection issues with Contact entries
* Added support for alerting the user of account migration with \ 
* Added support for a --no-internet option to the tests, so that more of the \ 
test suite can be run automatically without an internet connection
* Split handling of entries with inline content from external content (using the \ 
new gdata_entry_get_content_uri())
* Rearranged Documents classes so that instantiable entries are now subclasses \ 
of a new GDataDocumentsDocument, which handles downloading of document
* Use gtk-doc's no-tmpl flavour, bumping our gtk-doc requirement to 1.14
* Tightened up URI escaping
* Switched to depending on only gdk-pixbuf instead of the whole of GDK, since we \ 
only (optionally) use GdkPixbuf for the test suite
* Tightened up attribute escaping
* Switched from GTimeVal to gint64 for representing UNIX timestamps
* Switched to using upstream gettext instead of glib-gettext
* Added support for manipulating Contact groups

API changes:
* Added gdata_entry_get_authors
* Added gdata_service_get_locale, gdata_service_set_locale
* Added GDataYouTubeCategory, GDataAPPCategories
* Added gdata_youtube_service_get_categories, \ 
gdata_youtube_service_get_categories_async, \ 
* Added GDataComparable
* Removed *_compare() functions in favour of implementing the GDataComparable \ 
* Added GDataEntryClass->kind_term
* Added GDataBatchable, GDataBatchOperation
* Removed GDataDocumentsPresentationFormat, GDataDocumentsSpreadsheetFormat, \ 
GDataDocumentsTextFormat and made the appropriate changes to the relevant
  Documents functions which took them
* Added gdata_entry_get_content_uri, gdata_entry_set_content_uri and changed the \ 
behaviour of gdata_entry_get_content as appropriate
* Added GDataDocumentsDocument as a subclass of GDataDocumentsEntry and the \ 
parent of GDataDocumentsPresentation, GDataDocumentsSpreadsheet and
* Added gdata_documents_document_download, gdata_documents_document_get_download_uri
* Removed gdata_documents_presentation_download_document, \ 
  gdata_documents_spreadsheet_download_document, \ 
gdata_documents_text_download_document, gdata_documents_text_get_download_uri \ 
(moved to
* Made GDataDocumentsEntry abstract
* Removed gdata_contacts_service_update_contact (use gdata_service_update_entry \ 
* Removed GDataTimeVal (boxed type)
* Removed GTimeVal from the public API, in favour of gint64
* Removed gdata_access_handler_insert_rule (use gdata_service_insert_entry \ 
instead), gdata_access_handler_update_rule (use gdata_service_update_entry
  instead), gdata_access_handler_delete_rule (use gdata_service_delete_entry instead)
* Added gdata_access_handler_get_rules_async
* Added gdata_contacts_service_insert_contact_async
* Added GDataContactsGroup
* Added gdata_contacts_service_query_groups, \ 
gdata_contacts_service_query_groups_async, gdata_contacts_service_insert_group,

Bugs fixed:
* Bug 616222 — libgdata fails to build from a remote directory
* Bug 579885 — Add code examples to documentation
* Bug 618584 — Implement gdata_entry_get_authors()
* Bug 615721 — Support listing video categories
* Bug 618586 — gdata_service_query_single_entry() encounters NULL type class
* Bug 579169 — Add batch processing support
* Bug 624142 — Add batch operation support to Calendar service
* Bug 624141 — Add batch operation support to Documents service
* Bug 630350 — Email address cannot contain name
