Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/firefox38
From: Havard Eidnes
Date: 2015-08-21 11:08:56
Message id:

Log Message:
Update firefox38 to version 38.2.0esr.

Upstream changes, ref.

 * Firefox may crash during mp4 video playback
 * Significant memory leak with GreaseMonkey add-on
 * crash [@ RtlEnterCriticalSection | MessageLoop::PostTask_Helper]
   on browser shutdown
 * Browser UI becomes unresponsive state when using Unity Web Player Plugin
 * ESRs will not build on hppa platform
 * crash in mozilla::layers::SyncObjectD3D11::FinalizeFrame()

and a smattering of security fixes:
 * 2015-92 Use-after-free in XMLHttpRequest with shared workers
 * 2015-90 Vulnerabilities found through code inspection
 * 2015-89 Buffer overflows on Libvpx when decoding WebM video
 * 2015-88 Heap overflow in gdk-pixbuf when scaling bitmap images
 * 2015-87 Crash when using shared memory in JavaScript
 * 2015-85 Out-of-bounds write with Updater and malicious MAR file
 * 2015-84 Arbitrary file overwriting through Mozilla Maintenance Service
	with hard links
 * 2015-83 Overflow issues in libstagefright
 * 2015-82 Redefinition of non-configurable JavaScript object properties
 * 2015-80 Out-of-bounds read with malformed MP3 file
 * 2015-79 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:40.0 / rv:38.2)
