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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/p5-Dancer2
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2015-10-01 04:31:40
Message id:
Log Message:
Update to 0.162000
Upstream changes:
0.162000 2015-09-06 13:08:05+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
* Not exactly bug fix, but now captures() always returns hashref.
(Sawyer X)
* Small speed bump: use eval{} instead of Try::Tiny. (Sawyer X)
* Replace File::Slurp with File::Slurper in tutorial.
(Nick Tonkin)
0.161000_01 2015-08-28 15:29:00+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
* GH #947, #948: Escape file paths in regex patterns. (A. Sinan Unur)
* GH #944: Setting response content in before hook when a serializer
is set no longer triggers an error.
(Russell Jenkins, Dmitrii Tcyganov)
* GH #965: Remove non-existant role from Response::Delayed.
(Vernon, Russell Jenkins)
* GH #971: Route options matching no longer uses each iterator.
(Tina Mç¾¹ller)
* GH #959: Custom error template rendering fixed. (Russell Jenkins)
* GH #961: Render custom error templates in before hooks. (Russell Jenkins)
* GH #978: Tests - fix response regex after html_encode (Vernon)
* GH #972: Exceptions thrown by serializers no longer masked.
(Russell Jenkins)
* GH #967: Fix upload example. (Alberto Simç¹es)
* GH #881: Add cookie timeout example. (Andy Beverley)
* GH #963: Document all available template tokens. (Sawyer X)
* Optimize the s*#t out of basic routing. Faster than Dancer 1 now.
(Sawyer X)
* Only load HTTP::Server::PSGI when asked to start a development
server not under Plack. (Sawyer X, Mickey Nasriachi)
* GH #949: Produce cleaner, non-verbose test output (Vernon)
* GH #950: Decode characters in param keys (Patrick Zimmermann)
* GH #914: Include stack trace on default error page when
show_errors is true. (Vernon)
* GH #980, #981: halt keyword sets response content if provided,
as Dancer 1 does. (Achilles Kars)
* GH #909, #957, #983: HTML5 templates in generated apps and
default error template (Gabor Szabo, Kadir, Vernon)
* GH #972, #719, #969, #644, #647: Streamline serializer helpers.
to_json/from_json now faster. (Russell Jenkins)