Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2015-10-03 14:46:13
Message id:

Log Message:
Changes 5.6.27:
* InnoDB: The new innodb_numa_interleave read-only configuration option allows \ 
you to enable the NUMA interleave memory policy for allocation of the InnoDB \ 
buffer pool. When innodb_numa_interleave is enabled, the NUMA memory policy is \ 
set to MPOL_INTERLEAVE for the mysqld process. After the InnoDB buffer pool is \ 
allocated, the NUMA memory policy is set back to MPOL_DEFAULT. This option is \ 
only available on NUMA-enabled systems.
* yaSSL was upgraded to version 2.3.8.
* RPM .spec files were updated so that MySQL Server builds from source RPM \ 
packages will include the proper files to take advantage of operating system \ 
NUMA capabilities. This introduces a runtime dependency on RPM and \ 
yum detect this and refuse to install if that library is not installed.
* InnoDB: Reloading a table that was evicted while empty caused an \ 
AUTO_INCREMENT value to be reset.
* InnoDB: Memory allocation sanity checks were added to the memcached code.
* InnoDB: A memcached flush_all command raised an assertion. A function that \ 
starts a transaction was called from within assertion code.
* InnoDB: A data corruption occurred on ARM64. GCC builtins did not issue the \ 
correct fences when setting or unsetting the lock word.
* InnoDB: Server shutdown was delayed waiting for the purge thread to exit. To \ 
avoid this problem, the number of calls to trx_purge() was reduced, and the \ 
trx_purge() batch size was reduced to 20.
* InnoDB: In READ COMMITTED mode, a REPLACE operation on a unique secondary \ 
index resulted in a constraint violation.
* InnoDB: The IBUF_BITMAP_FREE bit indicated that there was more free space in \ 
the leaf page than was actually available.
* InnoDB: Setting lower_case_table_names=0 on a case-insensitive file system \ 
could result in a hang condition when running an INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM \ 
tbl_name operation with the wrong tbl_name letter case. An error message is now \ 
printed and the server exits when attempting to start the server with \ 
--lower_case_table_names=0 on a case-insensitive file system.
* InnoDB: The server failed to start with an innodb_force_recovery setting \ 
greater than 3. InnoDB was set to read-only mode before redo logs were applied.
* InnoDB: The trx_sys_read_pertable_file_format_id() function reported the wrong \ 
file format.
* Partitioning: CREATE TABLE statements that used an invalid function in a \ 
subpartitioning expression did not always fail gracefully as expected.
* Partitioning: Error handling for failed partitioning-related ALTER TABLE \ 
operations against non-partitioned tables was not performed correctly
* Partitioning: ALTER TABLE when executed from a stored procedure did not always \ 
work correctly with tables partitioned by RANGE.
* Replication: Repeatedly checking for ERR_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT (as done, for \ 
example by repeatedly executing SHOW SLAVE STATUS) during a prolonged write lock \ 
on a table led to an assert.
* Replication: If statement based logging was in use, when updating multiple \ 
tables in a single statement, a single transaction could be logged as two \ 
different transactions. This was due to the binary logging process not properly \ 
identifying statements which were operating over transactional tables. The fix \ 
ensures that they are correctly identified, even if such statements do not \ 
change the contents of the tables.
