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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/geography/gdal-lib
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2015-11-26 14:37:30
Message id:
Log Message:
The 1.11.3 release is a bug fix release.
== Build (Unix) ==
* Support custom buildflags in GRASS plugin (5850)
* GRASS 7.0.0 support (5852)
* fix detection of ECW SDK 5.1 on Mac (5867, 5390)
* Add support for Poppler >= 0.31.0 (6118)
== Port ==
* /vsitar/: remove useless validation test that prevents from opening valid \
.tar files (5864)
== Algorithms ==
* gdal_grid: fix crash in optimized mode with GCC 4.4 on 64bit (5987)
* Fix failure in GDALSuggestedWarpOut2() when computing output image size in \
case the top-left and bottom-right corners tranform to the same point (5980)
* Rasterize: add check to avoid burning negative x values (5641)
== GDAL core ==
* GMLJP2 reader: add compatibility with OGC CRS URL as found in GMLJP2v2 (5940)
* GMLJP2: on reading, don't do axis inversation if there's an explicit axisName \
requesting easting, northing order (5960)
* GMLJP2: add missing rangeParameters element to validate against GMLJP2 schema \
== Utilities ==
* gdalbuildvrt: fix potential crash when using -b switch (6095)
* gdalserver: fix compilation with recent GNU libc (such as in Arch Linux) (6073)
* gdalwarp: emit error message if file specified with -cutline cannot be opened \
* gdalwarp: fix 1.11.2 regression when invoking several times gdalwarp with \
several input files on the same target file, and when the input files have a \
nodata setting: only the last input file was warped onto the target dataset \
* ogr2ogr: fix crash with -clipdst when a reprojection fails before (5973)
* for Update, Clip and Erase, only creates attribute of \
input layer by default