Log Message: Update ruby-jekyll-gist to 1.4.0. ## 1.4.0 / 2015-12-01 * Allow `noscript` fallback to be disabled (#29) * Use Octokit to fetch Gist content when passed `JEKYLL_GITHUB_TOKEN` in env(#28) ## 1.3.5 / 2015-10-23 * Fix encoding error for `noscript` code (#23) * Test against Jekyll 3, 2, and the github-pages gem (#19)
Revision | Action | file |
1.4 | modify | pkgsrc/www/ruby-jekyll-gist/Makefile |
1.3 | modify | pkgsrc/www/ruby-jekyll-gist/PLIST |
1.5 | modify | pkgsrc/www/ruby-jekyll-gist/distinfo |