Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/postgresql-postgis2
From: Greg Troxel
Date: 2016-01-10 02:21:13
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 2.2.1.
(Passes make check on netbsd-6 i386 with pgsql 9.3.)

PostGIS 2.2.1

 * Bug Fixes *

  - #2232, avoid accumulated error in SVG rounding
  - #3321, Fix performance regression in topology loading
  - #3329, Fix robustness regression in TopoGeo_addPoint
  - #3349, Fix installation path of postgis_topology scripts
  - #3351, set endnodes isolation on ST_RemoveIsoEdge
           (and lwt_RemIsoEdge)
  - #3355, geography ST_Segmentize has geometry bbox
  - #3359, Fix toTopoGeom loss of low-id primitives from
           TopoGeometry definition
  - #3360, _raster_constraint_info_scale invalid input syntax
  - #3375, crash in repeated point removal for collection(point)
  - #3378, Fix handling of hierarchical TopoGeometries
           in presence of multiple topologies
  - #3380, #3402, Decimate lines on topology load
  - #3388, #3410, Fix missing end-points in ST_Removepoints
  - #3389, Buffer overflow in lwgeom_to_geojson
  - #3390, Compilation under Alpine Linux 3.2
  			gives an error when compiling the postgis and postgis_topology extension
  - #3393, ST_Area NaN for some polygons
  - #3401, Improve ST_Split robustness on 32bit systems
  - #3404, ST_ClusterWithin crashes backend
  - #3407, Fix crash on splitting a face or an edge
           defining multiple TopoGeometry objects
  - #3411, Clustering functions not using spatial index
  - #3412, Improve robustness of snapping step in TopoGeo_addLinestring
  - #3415, Fix OSX 10.9 build under pkgsrc
  - Fix memory leak in lwt_ChangeEdgeGeom [liblwgeom]
